<p>I'm a current junior and after receiving my PLAN scores last year, my parents and I unanimously agreed that I should take the ACT, so I've signed up for the October test. I haven't done much prep at this point aside from a few diagnostic tests, and I was wondering how best to approach preparing. I know that there are plenty of tried and true tutoring services and books, but I'm hoping I can get some advice from people who have personal experience taking the test from the predicted score ranges I'm in, so here's a little background information as to where I stand.</p>
<li>My PLAN predicted ACT score was 33 - 35, and that was with the Reading section curved down (I received a 30/32 on the PLAN English whilst missing zero)</li>
<li>In the two practice tests that I've taken + the PLAN, I've consistently scored 35-36E, 36R, 35-36M, and 33-35S (or equivalent scores in the case of the PLAN). </li>
<li>Science is generally the low point--I did rather poorly in bio my freshman year and I think I have some straight up gaps in my knowledge.</li>
<li>I want a 36 composite. I know this seems rather pedantic, but my GPA isn't as hot as I'd like it to be (~3.8ish excluding freshman year, ~3.5ish with freshman year) and I think having a 36 give me a slight leg up that i otherwise wouldn't have). </li>
<p>So basically that's it. I'm looking for prep materials and suggestions to gain a greater degree of consistency in getting 36E and 36M, since the difference between 35 and 36 at this point seems to be a combination of luck and how tired I am when taking the test, as well as suggestions on picking up one or two points in science. </p>