I’m a junior, and I am going to take a statewide ACT test in two weeks. I took the ACT for the first time in December of 2016 and got a composite score of 23.
-English: 27
-Math: 24
-Reading: 22
-Science: 18
I want to make a 28 on this test, but I’m not sure what’s the most effective way to achieve that goal. Any tips?
(I’ve been using the black act prep book along with the red official prep book, but it doesn’t seem to be healing much.)
I would personally just go to a bookstore (if there’s one nearby) and sit down with the prep books and just keep doing the practice tests (writing your answers on a separate piece of paper of course) and using the proper timing of the real ACT. Try especially using prep books that are much harder than the actual ACT (I remember using Barrons and The Princeton Review) so that you’re ready to handle a much easier test!
I think I would also practice going quickly through the tests in order to leave yourself some time in each section to go back to questions that you might not have been so sure about and double check your answers for that. For you, I would focus on the reading and science sections.
I hope this helps!