How small is AEM?

<p>I come from a small school background and am somewhat daunted by the size of cornell. I will be an AEM major and have heard it is fairly small and would allow me to enter into smaller size classes right off the bat. Any one have any information about this?</p>

<p>Do we all have to take an english seminar?</p>

<p>Thanks guys</p>

<p>AEM is pretty small. Last year 98 new freshman were enrolled into a total program size of 667. The reason there is a program size of 667 with a freshman enrollment of only about 100 is that they get a bunch of students that transfer into it after freshman/sophomore year.</p>

<p>More info in the link: </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>And yes, you must take a writing seminar during your first two semesters but you get to choose from a very broad spectrum of subjects.</p>

<p>The progam is not extremely large, but the class sizes are really no different from the rest of the university. AEM majors have to take many of the same courses as freshman with other majors. And yes, you'll have to take two semesters of seminar as well. There's really no way around the seminar or large freshman classes; at least no way I know of.</p>