How Stressful is College?

<p>Basically my title sums up my question. How stressful can college be your freshman year? I know it depends on our course load and stuff but generally speaking, how stressful is it? </p>

<p>Some ppl have told me that they cried because they couldn't handle the stress. How did you feel your freshman yr? </p>


<p>Seems like it is very stressful for some....some find the academics stressful, some find the social aspect stressful, some find the new independence stressful and some find all of it stressful. Either way, it is a new experience and can be challenging. However, most adjust pretty well after the initial shock wears off LOL. Be prepared to feel overwhelmed at times, but know that it gets better and since everyone is in the same boat it isn't hard to find a sympathetic ear.</p>

<p>It is very stressful. I get stressed out doing homework, studying, studying for tests, tutoring, drinking, partying, looking where to party, and stressed out mainting my scholarship. Its pretty much all stress. Oh yea girls stress me out too.</p>

<p>I would find the social aspect the hardest! I always want to party but I have homework to do so college is going to be tough for me</p>


<p>It's as stressful as you want to make it...</p>

<p>My advice: do your homework early and give yourself a couple of hours each day to relax, hit the gym, party, etc.</p>

<p>Also, don't overburden yourself your first semester. You're adjusting to life one your own and are surrounded by TONS of influences. Spend that first semester finding out who you are and where you're headed.</p>

<p>Depends. are you working your way through college? that undoubtedly makes it more stressful</p>

<p>assuming your parents are footing the bill it's still stressful, but should be better than high school. it's a different kind of stress.</p>

<p>As others have said, it depends.</p>

<p>During my freshman year, I was single, only committed myself to one weekly extracurricular, and didn’t take more than fifteen hours per semester. I never pulled an all-nighter; the latest I stayed up was 2:00 AM, and that happened once because I wanted to finish my movie for a competition. I always ate breakfast, never skipped a meal, and went to the gym three times a week. Relationship status, extracurricular commitment, course load, sleep, and so forth all contribute to stress either positively or negatively. In my case, those factors largely reduced my stress.</p>

<p>I definitely got stressed out during finals week of Spring semester. Starting on Sunday evening, I noticed that my sleep quality was deteriorating. It was taking longer for me to fall asleep, and when I actually fell asleep, the quality was mediocre. There were a few nights were I “felt” like I was stuck in light sleep for seven hours. I also found that I lost some of my appetite. I still ate and didn’t skip any meals, but I could see that I wasn’t eating as much as I used to. Last but certainly not least, a few ulcers appeared in my mouth towards the end of finals week. I always get them when I’m stressed out.</p>

<p>Hmm... My first semester I'm taking 4 classes... 2 of them are electives and 2 are gen ed. The two gen ed. classes are eng 101 and reading/comp... I hate writing essays haha. I think I can handle "average" amounts of college essays at a time, but are two english classes going to be too much for me?</p>

<p>@sleepyman, i hate eng too and that's why i took dual credit in high school. so basically im done w/ my eng prerequisites. i did write a lot of papers but i took one each semester.</p>

<p>Of course college is going to be stressful. When you're so green in your new environment and also having to juggle classes, there are going times when you feel overwhelmed and miserable. How much stress depends on your past experiences, classes, peers, lifestyle, goals, etc. The good news is that you WILL figure things out. It takes some people a longer time than others. People cope with it differently, as well. My advice would be to take things as they come (i.e. don't think too far into the future or you'll overload your mind) and make sure to find some "me time."</p>

<p>I had little to no stress my first year at college</p>

<p>just did the best I could (3.79) while workin 20 hours a week and 4 rounds of disc golf per week. I am more interested in learning than a diploma at this point. Don't get me wrong, I'd still like to be respectable but the diff b/t a 3.5 and a 4 is nominal. Also, I'm not too outgoing, so that may have played a part. I enjoyed meeting new people and going out, but I didn't make a priority</p>

<p>Yes,I agree that "as a freshman,you know who you are and where you headed on is very important",don't have much stree on you</p>