is college hard???

<p>is college as hard as people say it is? i mean...will i have to stay up till like 4 in the morning every night?</p>

<p>and...are there a lot of parties that happen? like...the kinda ones that you see in movies and stuff.</p>

<p>Have to stay up till 4am? No. Want to? Possibly.</p>

<p>haha. i there a lot of studing involved? like i mean staying up till 4am kinda studing.</p>

<p>Depends on your school, major, and what works best for you.</p>

<p>Some never have to go to class and ace through everything because they know how to study for exams, others have to go to all the lectures and study a decent amount every day.</p>

<p>But generally, you aren't going to be studying till 4 am every night, those nights will happen every now and then, but it's not common. </p>

<p>Know your limits in terms of procrastination, college isn't all that hardcore if you listen to that one bit of advice and strictly adhere to it. Yes there are a good amount of parties, starting on Thursday, have fun, college will stress you at times, but it can be a blowoff at others.</p>

<p>Just my opinion. Good luck.</p>

<p>thanks...well i wont be going to college for a long time...actually im going into 9th im about to start high school. just wondering because i have lots of questions about is it a good idea to get a dorm for your freshman year? or should i wait until my sophmore year?</p>

thanks...well i wont be going to college for a long time...actually im going into 9th im about to start high school. just wondering because i have lots of questions about is it a good idea to get a dorm for your freshman year? or should i wait until my sophmore year?


<p>Depends on the type of person you are, what you're looking for in college, and what type of school you're going to.</p>

<p>I think the answers to these questions will come to you naturally as you progress through high school. ;)</p>

<p>get a piece of paper, write down all your questions, and ask again in 2-3 years. i'm not trying to be rude, but times change, your sleep habits change, your taste in schools change, your balance of study and play changes, and a lot of other things that affect your college life (and college choice!) will change during high school. </p>

<p>and btw, most people at most schools live in the dorms freshman year :)</p>

<p>Enjoy high school while you can. I personally liked HS better than college, but regardless; yes it's a good idea to stay in a dorm your freshman year. Freshman year is when you meet everyone and start making new friends and your social network. Typically sophomore year a good chunk of freshman go into off-campus housing (1-2-3-4-5 bedroom houses or apartments). At my school, over 98% of freshman were in dorms the first year, though it wasn't required (some schools require you stay in a dorm frosh year).</p>

<p>you're just entering high school and you're worrying about college?</p>

<p>it goes without saying that high school is a lot worse than college. you should be asking questions about high school, it is tough to survive high school.</p>

<p>Damn, I didn't even start thinking about college till mid-junior year. I just graduated, and when I think about it, I was nowhere near mature enough to make any competent choice as a freshman. You're clearly much more mature than I was, and it's not bad to have some foresight. Just remember to take things one step at a time and don't live too far in the future. Remember, you only get to experience high school once.</p>

<p>It's sort of good that you are thinking about college, but you should be thinking about other aspects, like what you might want to major in, etc. Taking a variety of challenging classes in high school helps with this. I didn't really start considering college stuff until I was nearly done with my sophomore year, and taking the PSAT. Right now just focus on doing well in classes and making friends and trying not to have too much high school BS drama in your life. College stuff will make itself known to you soon enough. </p>

<p>(btw, staying up til 4 am? Done it, and usually wasn't studying during it...)</p>

<p>haha. well thanks everybody =]</p>

<p>If you have a difficult major (i.e. not communications), college can be very rough. You will find yourself studying 24/7 to maintain a good GPA like above a 3.6. I am a biochem major with a 3.84 GPA, I should know.</p>

<p>would Physical Therapy be a difficult major</p>

<p>would Physical Therapy be a difficult major</p>

<p>Physical Therapy programs are generally 6 year programs. My friends who are PT majors study about as much (during the undergrad portion of their degrees) as my friends who major in other sciences. But you obviously need to be a science person.</p>

<p>srcameron--do you think you could ask your PT friends if it is hard? and do you know where they go to college? and if you have to memorize all of the bones/muscles and things like that? please?</p>

<p>Well, I have friends in the PT program at my school (Simmons) and my cousin is a PT major at Quinnipiac. Yes, you do have to do a lot of memorization in courses like Anatomy, but it's a lot more than that. Most of them describe their programs as rigorous and time-consuming (i.e. they not only have challenging classes, but also spend a lot of time in labs). </p>

<p>To give you a better idea of what a PT major studies, these are the requirements for the first three years as outlined by my college's course catalog (this, however, varies from college to college).</p>

<p>"First Ye a r
CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry: Inorganic
or CHEM 113 Principles of Chemistry
CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry: Organic
or CHEM 114 Organic Chemistry I
BIOL 113 General Biology
BIOL 221 M i c r o b i o l o g y</p>

<p>Second Ye ar
BIOL 231 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 232 Anatomy and Physiology II
PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology</p>

<p>Third Ye a r
PHYS 110 Introductory Physics I
(year 2 or 3)
PHYS 111 Introductory Physics II
(year 2 or 3)
M ATH 118 Introductory Statistics
BIOL 332 Exercise Physiology
One PSYC elective</p>

<p>Thirty hours of work or volunteer experience
in physical therapy or a related field are
required. The professional program (final three
years) involves a full-time commitment over a
three year period, including summers, beginning
in the summer following the junior year.
Graduation is in August of the third year."</p>

<p>woah. thats a lot of work. but im excited about it. i probably wont be as excited for the many hours of work and studinging when i actually do it but right now i am. is that kinda weird? i mean...that im excited for all of the work?</p>

<p>Well sometimes college is hard but it depends on your teachers and the students and it make it alot easier well sometimes. Like that person said in the post you will change your mind like in high school or sometime in the future but yeah I will say college is hard college but not all the time. I am going to college again. I am majoring in Liberal Arts then after that I might major in graphic design. Anyway.. good luck if you do go to college :)</p>

<p>Depends on what school you go to and what you're majoring in! Besides saying that college is hard is a generalized statement!</p>