How the Office of Admission works

<p>Anyone working in Columbia 's admission office??</p>

<p>I handed in my part II on Jan 2 and my school report arrived on that day too. I wonder if SEAS and college are seperated...if that way..SEAS will get less apps and they will process everything faster........</p>

<p>pretty worried that they hanvent processed my part II..........</p>

<p>I hold a work-study job in admissions, and don't worry about your part II not having been processed yet -- give us about two weeks (maybe more) for processing. Barely any of the work-study students are back at school yet right now so admissions is also a bit shorthanded. SEAS and CC are not separated during the initial processing (to my knowledge, since I see both types).</p>

<p>SEAS and CC aren't even separated during the reads. It is the same office, same people, etc.</p>

<p>Columbia2002 - I know it's the same office and people, but I would've thought they'd be considered separately (read by the same people, just not read alongside each other, no? I confess I don't know much about the specifics after the initial processing). I take it you used to work in admissions too, then.</p>

<p>I could take pictures of the admissions office next time I walk by it. I always get a kick out of the boxes visible from the exterior -- boxes marked incoming, complete, etc. You'll have to wait until school starts on the 17th. But it's always funny to walk by the dive (it's in the basement of one of the buildings) on the way to the restroom before scaling seven narrow flights of stairs in Hamilton.</p>

<p>That would be awesome if you could get a picture of that. =D</p>

<p>So is it a big deal if i folded my teacher recs then?</p>

<p>I specifically asked my teachers not to fold them up as I knew I had read something on the website. When I got my packet of stuff ready to send in, I folded them up and placed them in smaller envelopes as I couldn't find the folding thing anywhere on the website. A day later I was looking again and realized it was right on the form. Felt like a moron.</p>

<p>same ques..........bump....</p>

<p>dsmo--Nobody will care if you fold your recs. They're scanned into the computer and nobody will see the papers.</p>

<p>phantom--I never worked in admissions (unless you consider the interviewing to be that). They're definitely considered together to a certain extent. Remember, Columbia is trying to choose a well-rounded class and is looking for whatever demographics.</p>

<p>columbia2002- if folding doesn't matter, then why does columbia specifically request no folding...</p>

<p>To make it easier to scan in.</p>

<p>Why do they request your app by 1/2/06 when they won't start reading them for another month? It doesn't have to be logical.</p>

<p>^ There IS logic behind that -- because it takes a looong time to process 15,000 applications (btw, thats a rough estimate based on last year's, not an official count for this year or anything). It took us 2 weeks (I think) to process all the ED apps, and there were only roughly 2000 of those. </p>

<p>And ken285's right about the scanning. One of my teachers in h.s. actually complained that she was told that she had to send in another unfolded copy by Columbia for a student. Some people do get by OK anyway even with folding, based on what I've heard. I think it depends on how much you folded it and how that shows up on the computer once scanned in. It's not a huge deal in that I'm pretty sure it won't count against you -- the processing dept. will contact you if they need another copy. Don't worry about it.</p>