How to appeal AP Chinese test score this year

Hi My kid just got the test result back and we are both stunned. My child is a fluent Chinese speaker and A+ student. The test score is apparently wrong in my opinion. Given the test was online and only contains free response form this year, how can I appeal the test score?

You can’t get a regrade unless your score was below a 3

Here is the link from the CB:

See page 10. The process in past years is not applicable this year.

For this year., the process is: if the score was a 1 or a 2, the teacher (who has a copy of the responses) can ask for a regrade if s/he believes the answers warranted a higher score. The student cannot petition directly to the CB for a regrade. If the score was 3+, the CB will not regrade.

Thank you for answering my question.

As the AP Chinese only has free-response questions, I am REALLY surprised to see that my kid only got 3 as a result. I have her current Chinese-teacher reviewed her answer and we both are puzzled about why she is getting a 3. It is critical to learn “why” for her so she can continue to improve her Chinese and not just stopped here.

I reviewed all the rubrics I can found from the web site to understand how this should be graded. As an authentic Chinese person, I STRONGLY believe this is wrong. There might be some technical problems that I can think of causing this, maybe the voice is not clear enough, or the network issues that happened during the test… etc.

What can I do to get this fixed? There has some ways that I can communicate this to AP so this can be prevented for future?