<p>Alright so I just purchased the Grubers Math Book online because people were saying that if you learn every concept in the book front and back you will easily score a 700+ on the math portion of the SAT. Although that may be an exaggeration I would like to score at least a 750 even though my PSAT math score was only a 55.</p>
<p>So should I do all of the work in this book and then start taking practice tests? or should I gauge myself with a practice test, find my weak points and then review my weakest spots? Let me know what the best approach would be, thanks!</p>
<p>I have the Gruber’s Math and the Gruber’s Complete SAT 2010. I used the Gruber’s Complete but the content is basically the same. I actually found the Complete SAT a better REVIEW book; the Math book is a better STRATEGY book.</p>
<p>It really depends on you if you’d like to: a) take a diagnostic test then focus only on what you don’t know; or b) study everything - what you do know and what you don’t. The second approach would obviously be more tedious, but it’s also more comprehensive and you get to cover all the bases. </p>
<p>After I was through the ENTIRE math section, and I mean I answered every question and read everything on the review section, I was pretty much confident I would score at least a 680 on EVERY math test I take from any review book out there (I took 8 tests from the BB, 5 from the CB online course, and scored at least a 710 in each math section). It took me … 2 weeks I think, 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week. After that I occasionally consulted other books for those questions I had a hard time answering (mostly functions, probability, and logical reasoning stuff, which Gruber’s didn’t tackle as thoroughly as it did the other concepts). </p>
<p>So bottom line is, suck it up and read everything if you want a really really good chance at a good score. I think you’d end up knowing your weak spots as you work through the book anyway.</p>
<p>Oh alright and about how many hours did it take you to go through the whole grubers book with learning and relearning the material in the book thoroughly? (Not including bb practice tests)</p>
<p>I started studying late March, so I’ve been studying for roughly 6 weeks now. I’m not really sure how long I took for Gruber’s alone, because I tend to study section by section (i.e. math, then writing, then CR). Like I said, I used the Gruber’s Complete SAT, and around a third of that is just the practice tests and answers explanation. A huge chunk of it is the vocab list, which I didn’t dwell upon. Another chunk is on the critical thinking skills. </p>
<p>So I’d say less than a week to go through grammar, essay tips, CR tips, and a few questions. I did 1 practice test every 2 days (and I’d read through the answer explanations). I noticed that after I focused intensely on writing and CR, I would forget a few of the math shortcuts I studied. So I suggest you don’t it my way
Just read through it, take tests, READ THE EXPLANATIONS (you learned the most this way; you get to apply what you are reading about, which makes the theoretical principles more concrete).</p>
<p>Oh and I’d like to emphasize that I didn’t learn ALL the material in the book THOROUGHLY. Yes, I read the math cover to cover, but that doesn’t mean I placed equal emphasis on every topic. For example, an entire section was on word problems (work, distance/rate/time, mixture, etc) but as you take BB tests, you’ll notice there’s not much questions on those.</p>
<p>Oh well, I heard the other sections that grubers has are awful and should not be reviewed. So yeah I was planning on getting the math workbook only.</p>
<p>I have the Gruber’s SAT Complete Book
should I use this if I have like a 450 in math?
or should i get the official book</p>