<p>Alright... here it goes.</p>
<p>I'm a junior attending a prep school in NJ, and every week(since sophomore year), I've been aiming to be productive on the weekends. However, whenever Saturday classes are done, I'm absolutely pooped... and I become so lazy that I just watch Youtube or something for the rest of the weekend. I know it's because of this bad habit that I have not been doing as well in classes as I should be. Plus, I get super depressed thinking about how I just wasted my entire weekend and how I could have been working or hanging around with friends (or even making some... :P).</p>
<p>I never had this problem up to the end of my freshman year, where I went to school back in my home country; my parents wouldn't allow me to be as lazy as I am here. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>Someone please answer me…
i know you guys are seeing this post…</p>
<p>How about going to the library to study? Maybe a change of scenery might help with making progress. But you do need at least a day off so don’t be so hard on yourself…</p>
<p>Personally, I work my butt off during weekdays so I can take weekends off (for the most part). Everyone needs some time off.</p>
<p>Thanks for the reply guys. Sorry for sounding so desperate haha.</p>
<p>greenthumb: I LOVE studying at the library. The problem is it’s closed on Saturdays… and I’m a streak kind of guy. If I don’t work on Saturday, I don’t feel like working on Sundays
But I really like your idea of studying somewhere else… I’ll look for somewhere new and quiet!</p>
<p>Fast: very true. do you think that might include Fridays? Because I never thought about it… I always slack off on Fridays, then there’s Saturday classes, and then there’s more homework, and everything goes downhill from there. Thank you for the insight.</p>
<p>If the library is closed, how about going to Panera or Starbucks? I personally love going to Barnes and Noble because it’s quiet and spacy (Panera and Starbucks can get a bit loud sometimes). And if you get bored, you can get a drink or browse books! :D</p>
<p>In general, I would just take things one at a time. Do the thing that you really, really need to do first to get it out of the way. Then, reward yourself with a break or a treat afterwards. Sometimes, when you have A LOT to do, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and and cave to your temptations. If you take things one at a time, it’s not as bad. Just don’t try to do everything all at once with no break. You can try studying for one hour, taking a ten minute break, and then repeating.</p>
<p>If that still doesn’t work and you’re really serious about not procrastinating, you could try blocking Youtube and other sites that typically distract you. Hope this helps you!</p>