How to best use my time on Math 2?

<p>For Math 2, I try to average a minute per question, leaving me with ~10 minutes to spare near the end of the test, but I am left with often way less. What do you think optimizes points scored- checking over answered questions, checking over that I properly gridded in answers, or trying to go back to the unanswered questions and answer those? Any tips for being extremely careful and not making stupid mistakes during math 2? For making sure I am gridding in right answers at right places, I'll check every now and then.</p>

<p>I'd appreciate your comments.</p>


<p>Personally, I'd try to answer unanswered questions. I personally think that checking grid-ins is a total waste of time, unless you know that you're really bad at it. Checking answers may be useful, but I'm inclined to think you get more out of trying to answer new questions than checking old ones. Unless the new ones are questions you know you can't answer.</p>

<p>You should try to answer correctly as often as possible (dumb advice, I guess), meaning that I think you oughta try to answer unanswered one's when you're done. Also, for problems where you think that you made a stupid mistake, circle the number in the book. Then you can easily come back and check. No use checking the simple ones.</p>