<p>I went through the process of making an NYUHome account and going to NetPartner through Albert, but when I got to the NetPartner page and put my UID and clicked first time user, it gave me this message: </p>
<p>We are unable to activate your account. Please contact your financial aid office and refer to Code IA.</p>
<p>I know I am putting in the right UID. Another thing I noticed is that there is no "Receive PIN by e-mail" box, like the instruction sheet says. </p>
<p>Anyone run into this problem?</p>
<p>Edit: It also says this on the login page:
IMPORTANT NOTICE: NetPartner will not be available for new students entering in 2010 until after May 1.</p>
<p>So.... yeah. They really expect me to accept their offer without knowing if I received any financial aid?
I will call tomorrow...but if anyone knows the solution to this, thanks.</p>