How to check status?

<p>I am an RD applicant and I mailed all the materials 2 months ago,but never heard anything from them. Anyone know if they have a online system to check status?
Thank you~</p>

<p>Well, since the RD application is not due until Jan. 2, I wouldn’t expect the college to start telling people how to check status until after that deadline. In other words, once everyone has applied, they’ll probably send out one giant e-mail to everyone (or one giant letter) telling them how to check their status. I’m pretty sure that when I applied they had that system, so I wouldn’t worry about it.</p>

<p>The way they usually do it is let you know if you’re missing something - and definitely way later. They’ll have an online system for you later in the process. :] Don’t worry yet.</p>

<p>Thank you very much~ and good luck~</p>