How to colleges view redoing classes?

I’m in Junior year right now, and I’ve been concerned with college admissions coming up. This summer I plan on taking 4 BYU semester courses to retake some courses I got B’s and 1 C during Freshman/Sophomore year. I was wondering how colleges would view this, as I talked to my councelor and these courses would increase my GPA, but not replace my old grades (would be placed separately). After retaking these courses, would a college see me as a straight-A student or be suspicious of me retaking courses? Thanks for all help.

Honestly, IMO, they’d see you as someone chasing grades at the expense of doing something new and growing/challenging yourself. Getting a good grade in a course the second time you take it isn’t going to impress.

Retaking a course where the original grade was C or higher looks like grade grubbing.

If the original grade was D or F, retaking is ok, but the original D or F will not look good in any case.

It seems to me that the most selective universities want students who can get nearly all A’s the first time that they take a class. Other universities are fine with students who have a few B’s, and probably even one C, on their record.

No, this will not make you look like a straight A student.

I do not see the point in doing this.

Also, taking four classes over the summer seems like a lot to me. Perhaps you might just retake the one C, and nothing else. Even this I think I would only do if the C was in a core class that will be a prerequisite for other courses that you will want to take in the future.

No. Because you’d not be a straight A student. What they will view you as is a grade grubber.

And I was worried about coming across as harsh… :wink: