How to combine econ and public affairs at Baruch?

<p>I recently committed to Macaulay Baruch and I’ve been thinking more about my degree plans since orientation is coming up. I’m interested in Economics and Public Affairs. After undergrad I’d go for either a PhD in econ or a graduate degree in a government field such as public policy/affairs/administration. (Note: If I want to leave the possibility of an econ PhD open, I’d need to take fairly high level econ and math classes.)
Unfortunately, Baruch does not allow cross-school double majors, so I am trying to figure out the best way to accommodate my interests.
If I just make one a major and one a minor, I lose out on a lot of depth in one of them and in the case of econ I would miss a lot of the math I’d need for graduate economics.
In the advertising for Macaulay I’ve seen things about students who were able to make their own major, but they really didn’t go into the specifics beyond the fact that it had to be something they could show wasn’t available through regular degree programs. All of the majors described by the student reps were all really strange niche subjects, so I’m not sure whether or not Econ+ Public Affairs is different enough to warrant its own major (And I don’t even know if Baruch would allow it since it crosses schools.). I’ve also read about something similar to this called CUNY BA, but it isn’t clear if it is the same thing as the one Macaulay talks about.
What are your thoughts on this? What are my options? </p>

<p>Get a BA in Econ, MPA, then PhD, all from Baruch !
Live with your parents so you can afford to be a student for many years.</p>