<p>I called the admission office a couple of days before and asked for some advice on my waiting list status. To my surprise, they dont have the contact information of their regional counselors, and all kinds of updates for evaluation should be sent by mail or fax. I've read through some threads here, and lots of people said that WL applicants should write to their regional counselor regularly(once a week/2 weeks) to show their interests in the school, reinforcing that impression repeatedly. I think this strategy may not work for Pomona. Since Pomona is my first choice, my question is, should I provide all new info about my application at one time before May 1st, or fax and mail in letters or whatever regularly to show my continuing interests? Thanks</p>
<p>Bruce Poch, who until this year was the Dean of Admissions for Pomona College, answered this question in a New York Times discussion on College admittance. He will be answering questions that people submitted throughout this week, the first question addressed by him should answer yours as well. Good Luck!</p>
<p>Here is the link:</p>
<p>[Part</a> 1: Answers to Readers’ Decision-Time Questions - NYTimes.com](<a href=“Part 1: Answers to Readers' Decision-Time Questions - The New York Times”>Part 1: Answers to Readers' Decision-Time Questions - The New York Times)</p>
<p>Best way to deal with it: get excited about one of your other options- Pomona took no one off of their wait-list last year.</p>
<p>^^Well that’s pretty much the best answer you could hope for. Bruce Poch himself.</p>
<p>For what it’s worth, my son sent in a letter today declining admission to Pomona – so there might be at least one spot available.</p>
<p>I’m declining my waitlist offer too, if that gives you any consolation. Like other highly ranked liberal arts schools, I wouldn’t recommend getting your hopes up.</p>
<p>I’ve done everything I could possibly do to try to get in (interviews, letters of update, etc.). I waited 2.5 months for the ED2 decision, then another 1.5 months after being deferred just to see that I have to wait another 1.5 months on the waiting list knowing that they took NONE off last year? </p>
<p>Thanks Pomona, but I know when I’m not wanted. No need to get any hopes up like last year.</p>
Thanks for your information. That’s reaallly helpful. I’ve read through the Q&A, and Bruce recommend us to write to an actually people in the Admission Office. But the problem is, they dont give out any contact info except the general email and mailing address. I’ll leave my question on that blog on Monday to see if Bruce can answer.</p>