How to fax internationally

<p>I've been trying to get my Swedish SAT:s sent to colleges, but the woman at the transcript office does not know how to operate a fax for international numbers. Someone please help me explain it simpler, or maybe I've gotten it wrong, too?</p>

<p>What I told her is that she needs to dial 001, for USA:s country code, then the number of the college (including area code). She's probably been pressing just 00 or something like that. But I've also gathered that sometimes, you need to dial the country code you're faxing FROM first, as well?</p>

<p>Please help get this straight!</p>

<p>I don't think you need to dial the country code you're faxing from, it's just 001 blah blah.</p>

<p>It's like +0012078594828.</p>

<p>If you use '+' then don't use '00'. If you use '00' then don't use '+'.</p>

<p>eg: 0012078594828 OR +12078594828.</p>

<p>Yes, that's what I told her, and she just emailed me saying 001 then area code then fax number didn't work. I've no idea what to do now besides having it sent in regular mail and arrive waaaay too late.</p>

<p>Well, can't you find some other fax machine/service?</p>

<p>Ask her to use some Online fax services, like
That way, she could email the attachment to <a href=""></a>. I think that should work.</p>

<p>Would that be ok though, seeing as how this is an official government service sending to another serious institution... I suppose if nobody can see where it was sent from it would be ok, but usually freebies on the internet include advertisement or similar.</p>

<p>Well, faxes are of zero legal value anyway, no matter where they are sent from, so I don't see what the difference is..</p>

<p>It's not free:) They have a 30 day free trial, though[I faxed 200 pages for free! Yay!]. They don't include a advertisement. I don't think that colleges will notice the number from where it was sent.</p>

<p>EDIT: negru is right.You'll have to follow up with a hard copy.</p>

<p>Of course. Actual letter has already been sent, but home to me with regular mail, meaning it'll take at least 4 weeks until the actual colleges get it.</p>

<p>Anyone have any idea why it didn't work though?</p>

<p>The person might have inputted the area code incorrectly.</p>

<p>For instance if the area code's: 01 (you'd dial it with 01 within the country, but as 1 outside the country)</p>

<p>if the number's 234567</p>

<p>then within the country you'd dial it 01234567</p>

<p>but outside you'd have to: 009991234567 (999 being the country code)</p>

<p>that'd probably be where the person went wrong.</p>

<p>So if the area code is 203 you skip the 2? Or? None of the numbers I gave her began with a zero.</p>

<p>NO, don't skip the 2.
Just dial 001-206-524-5523 for example (without the dashes of course).
Maybe the line was just busy?
I have faxed a lot of stuff to the US and that was a frequent problem. At some point I started faxing my stuff in the morning (when it's night in the US) so that I wouldn't have to deal with busy lines. Unfortunately though, many faxing machines only give you an error signal without telling you what's wrong (e.g. whether the number you dialed doesn't even exist or if the line was just busy)</p>

<p>Oh well. I've given up on faxing it, I'm just hoping they'll be too swamped with other transfer applications to get to mine before the paper version has come in.</p>

<p>frrph, first you have the idd code. like singapore's idd to usa is 013. so i press</p>

<p>013 1 7374374024720<-college's number</p>

<p>what's the IDD code, and where do I find it for Sweden?</p>

<p>When you dial to another country, the number goes like IDD-CountryCode-Area Code-Fax Number. </p>

<p>For Sweden the IDD is 00, while the country code for USA is 1, so the number you use is 001-Area Code-College number.</p>

<p>Here's a link that might make things clearer: "<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;"&lt;/p>

<p>The IDD code's the international dialing code, i.e. what you put before the country code. In most countries, it's 00.</p>

<p>Sorry guys, I know you should write in English, but Swedish was just easier in this case..</p>

ge upp faxandet. av egen erfarenhet vet jag att det inte fungerar trots att man skriver in det r?tta numret (dvs. 001 och d?refter numret du hittar p? skolans hemsida). har kommit fram tv? g?nger, d? efter minst tio f?rs?k. n?r jag f?rs?k faxa fler saker vid ett annat tillf?lle p? samma nummer har jag inte kommit fram. helt schizofrent. pappa s?ger att det amerikanska telefonn?tet ?r d?ligt utvecklat, s? att det kan vara d?r problemet ligger. maila eller ring skolan, s?g att du har f?rs?kt faxa men att det inte fungerar och att du skickar via post ist?llet.</p>

<p>Good luck</p>