How to find a freshman dorm mate?

<p>Hi all!
I wanted to know how I can go about finding potential room mates for next year. It would be particularly helpful if those who have already been through the process could advise me. I know there are some forums on Facebook, but I really would like to not have to make a Facebook account (gave it up in 2011) and I still want to be able to choose someone who gets along well with me. What have y’all done in the past that makes this process go smoothly? Should I just leave it up to bama to choose for me? Also, there is no one I know attending the university as of now, so finding someone that I already know is a non option.
Roll tide!</p>

<p>While most kids don’t use Facebook nowadays, it is a great place for them to find roommates. My own daughter has not used fb in forever but she found her roommate on the UA fb roommate finder group. It is probably the best way to get a little background on potential roommates than even meeting at the local information night for Alabama. </p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>My daughter found two of her much-loved roommates when her mom befriended THEIR moms right here in this forum.</p>

<p>If you don’t have a phobia about hovering blades, it could work for you!</p>

<p>My son is not keen on Facebook either, but I think there is a roommate finder on MyBama that suggests matches based on the housing questionnaire you fill out when making your housing deposit.</p>

<p>Thank you for the replies. I’ve tried Bama room mate matches but quite a few admitted freshmen for the class of 2018 don’t even know how to access their crimson tide email (the contact info Bama gives you to speak with potential room mates) so I’ve reached many dead ends. Hopefully I’ll find someone that would be a good match soon and if not, I’ll let UA select for me. TXArchitect that’s wonderful to hear! Maybe I can get my mom to start using CC soon ;)</p>

<p>What area of Texas are you in? Last year the Dallas area rep hosted a Christmas get together for incoming freshman at a UA parents house. If your area does have something over the holidays that could be a chance to meet a potential roommate.</p>

<p>Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself? There are many of us who have both current students and incoming freshmen and we aren’t exactly shy and hesitant about finding contacts for our own kids!</p>

<p>I’m from the DFW area. Haven’t heard anything from the regional recruiter though. I might go to the Capstone Scholars Day and Spring Preview to meet other Bama bound girls though. I called the office because I hadn’t received an invitation even though I qualify and they said they would send me an email about it.
Hmm a bit about me? Well I’ll be in the honors college next year on a NM presidential scholarship, would like to rush, and will be a Poli sci major with a biology or Spanish minor (pre med though). I’m pretty friendly and considerate. I really want to room with someone who wants to become friends with their room mate instead of just “coexisting”. It’s important to me to have honors housing in order to be immersed in an academic environment with students who are as ambitious as I am. It would be a plus to have a dorm mate from the Dallas area as well, but it doesn’t matter too much as long as we get along well and both share a love for UA and being involved on campus. :)</p>

<p>Well you sound like a great kid – too bad my incoming freshman is a boy! Just know this, my DD’s freshman year roommate was the opposite of her in every possible way. I predicted disaster, but 2 years later they remain best friends. I hope you will have an amazing experience at Alabama.</p>

<p>Thanks! I hope your son does as well :)</p>

<p>I know of one incoming freshman girl from the Dallas area, Honors College. She is really sweet and friendly. I can send her a message and see if you two would like to connect over the holidays. </p>

<p>I know another, same high school, that Bama is on her list and she was accepted. I’ll have to ask her if she is for sure going to Bama or somewhere else. </p>

<p>Send the regional rep an email and ask if they are doing a holiday get together.</p>

<p>Are you planning on going thru rush? If so, there is a Dallas area tea for my daughters house next weekend.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info TxNewCollegeMom. I will PM you! Also, yes I will be rushing for sure.</p>

<p>Hey, I just read this and I am also an incoming freshman from the Dallas area in the honors college looking for a roommate! I’m also planning on rushing so we should connect possibly?</p>

<p>That’s great! I will PM you :)</p>

<p>And I have to add, TXArchitect and my daughter (and their other roommates) are SUCH A GREAT MATCH!!! We really hit the lottery with roommates!</p>

<p>My daughter found her roommate on the Facebook class of 2017 group. They went off of that group and chatted and found they were a good match. Her roommate actually pulled her into the room and was lucky because my daughter would have had no choice since she committed late.</p>

<p>That’s awesome! I made a Facebook and joined a few class of 2018 groups. Hopefully I’ll find a room mate soon. I really enjoyed speaking to some of the people I met in the group and I can’t wait for school to start next year!!</p>

<p>Also texas2bama there is nothing wrong in doing some Facebook stalking of photos when you are thinking about agreeing to become roommates. I know that my daughter and her roommate did this before admitting to each other. You can tell a lot by a persons photos. Will you be living in a traditional or suite style dorm?</p>

<p>I will be living in a suite, preferably honors (ridgecrest)
I’ve met some great girls, but unfortunately, most of them are only interested in Tut so they can be closer to sorority row</p>

<p>My dd is looking to live in Ridgecrest and will be going through recruitment as well. PM me and I will hook you guys up.</p>