<p>I did ballet from age 3-7 and quit... tried it again when I was 13 and it didn't work. I played the piano from 9-14 and quit (thinking about going back). I did debate in 9th grade... and quit. I've been playing tennis since I was 10, but I really do not have much time for it due to my rigorous schedule. </p>
<p>It's really frustrating. I am so desperate to find something I really love and stick to it; not something just to put on college apps. Anyone have any advice or tips?</p>
<p>Try things until you find something you have an “aha” moment in. It doesn’t have to be something you’re terribly good at. Just something you want to do for a long time and that doesn’t bore you. Sooner or later, if you truly like doing that activity that much, it will be your passion.</p>
<p>What do you find interesting? Music? —> any certain instruments you like?</p>
<p>How about history? → visiting museums?</p>
<p>Do you like cooking ? decorating desserts? sewing? drawing? </p>
<p>If those don’t help…</p>
<p>what do you look for when you pick up a hobby or join a club? That may help you find something you enjoy doing. … or, what matters to you? What do you care about?</p>
<p>painting is my passion… i’ve been doing it forever… so I can’t really remember when I first ‘found’ that I liked it. But I have other interests that are things I love and stick to, but aren’t as full-blown ‘passions’ as my love of painting.</p>
<p>Just about a month ago, a relative gave me her old guitar. Now, whenever I have the free time, or when I need a break, I take out the guitar and strum a few chords and learn the intros to pop songs. I’m really bad at it because I really am not familiar with the guitar yet, but it’s so fun and exciting to make music and learn by myself. :] So… it’s not my ‘passion’ but it is something I’d love to keep up for a while.</p>
<p>You pretty much have to ask yourself, what do I like to do? If you can come up with a productive activity that you like, you can create a passion for it. I know someone who’s passion is aviation, another who’s is his religion. Passions don’t have to be a sport, an instrument, or a school subject. You’re probably king about passions because colleges want kids with passions. If you have something interesting, not necessarily the common sport/instrument/academic subject, that you love to do, colleges will like to see that passion. Tennis is my passion (I think we’ve talked about it before), but I’ve been playing it forever, so I don’t really remember how I started it.</p>