How to get a 5 on IB Chemistry?

Hello CC,
Does anyone have any tips for getting a 5 on IB chemistry? I want to get higher than that, but I want at least a 5. Does anyone have any study tips or exam tips? We are also just finishing up our internal assessments, so if anyone has tips on that it would be wonderful.

Thank you!

hey! I’m in year 2 ib chemistry. I really struggled with chemistry last year but Im doing better now so I think i have some ideas. I do a lot of practice ib questions that you can find online (just google ib chem exam questions) or ask your teacher for some because I find that the ib exam has questions that you really have to be familiar with its format to be able to do quickly.

And general tips that might not be especially helpful:

  • flashcards really work for me - I’ve made 1000s
  • and this is really not fun, but spending time during breaks reviewing because then when you have a cumulative exam or real ib exams, you’ll remember some of it and you wont have to completely rememorize

and this is a useful study guide / notes that you might find helpful. I use it to review.

About the IA, the main thing is following the rubric really closely and have all aspects (graphs, error bars, uncertainties, etc.)

Anyway, main point - what really helped me to get a 6 or 7 is doing practice questions.

the link is from prep scholar btw

@1bostonterrier Thank you!