IB Exam Scores?

I’m a sophomore and was wondering what scores you guys got on the IB exams (so I can consider what classes to take for next year (I know that the exams are super hard, so I want to get a feel for the results))
Specifically in these classes, but any other scores would be a great help.
IB Chem SL
IB Physics SL
IB English HL
IB History HL
Grade for TOK
IB Math HL


Hi! I’m wishing you good luck with the IB (1 semester to go and still alive :P). I have IB Bio HL: predicted 7 English (I’m assuming lang lit.) HL: 7 and Math HL: 5 (this class is death- not discouraging you but if you don’t want to do math in college you’d be better off without). TOK is currently ongoing so I have no idea. Also from what I’ve heard, Chem SL is pretty easy though history is A LOT of memorizing. Good luck!

I take biology HL - it’s extremely interesting but it’s VERY content heavy so if memorizing a ton of information seems too hard, don’t take it! It will seriously be a burden if you’re not interested so make sure your 100% interested in the class. Plus, getting a 7 overall is not easy at all.

Chemistry SL - it’s not easy. The old syllabus was quite a bit easier but they’ve changed the syllabus and it’s definitely harder now! So take that into consideration, plus they’ve changed the IA for group 4 subjects - you now have to do a 2000 word personal project (my teacher described it as a mini EE) for each science so that adds to your workload. But if you’re interested in majoring in something science related then don’t let that turn you off as IB science classes will be solid preparation for college science classes (and you’ll get credit for Biology HL if you get a 6 or 7).

Hey guys!

So I got my schedule for next year and these are my classes:

IB English HL
IB European History HL
IB French V SL
IB Biology HL
IB Physics SL (as my IB elective)
AP Calculus BC (to prep for senior year and doing Math HL)

I’m also self-studying AP Stats and AP Psychology. Do you think that self-studying these courses are too much with my IB schedule? I’m planning to study these classes over the summer. I don’t want it to be too much where I don’t do well on the exams due to being brain dead after so many exams in May. I will be president of French National Honor Society and Vice President of FCCLA. I’m also doing piano (can’t give that up since I’m doing it for 9 years now) and taking on Tennis next year. I hope it is manageable. What do you think?

Oh and I forgot TOK

@athenanv13 Perhaps I could be of some assistance with the IB part of your query. As an IB alumnus who scored 42 points with 3 7s HL (including Maths and History HL), I’d say your course-load is perfectly manageable provided that you study diligently for the IB. From my experience, history (European) was the most content heavy out of all my IB subjects and is notorious for only giving out 7s to 3-4 percent of the candidate pool - at one point, I even questioned whether I picked the right subject lol. However, I did find a way to get around all that content by studying 10 years worth of past papers and planning an essay out for paper 2 and 3 questions. The trick, therefore, is to familiarize yourself with the exam structure, and not only content - one thing that helped me a lot was coming up with a standard essay thesis that could be moulded to fit any possible question.

Hope this helps

You might speak with your coordinator and get scores from previous years as a benchmark. At my kids very public school (not selective), a 39 is considered a top score.
When my kid chose his subjects for the IB nobody ever discussed choosing light loads for a better overall score. Really only now after teaching hiccups would that have come into consideration. American schools won’t even see your diploma score before you are admitted if you are on a traditional timeline. If we were in the UK or Europe or somewhere where the actual overall score is considered, we might have paid more attention.