Any recommendations for passing IB HL Chem?

The pass rate for HL Chem at my school is 4%. We’ve had top students score high in other subjects, but fail Chem. However it is important to note that our Chem classes are relatively small, always under 12 students a year.

For anyone who has achieved a 4+, are there any tips, tricks, or resources to passing the exam? Or any recommendations concerning the IA, lab conclusions, or etc.?

Anything would be incredibly helpful!

  1. Richard Thornley on Youtube is an incredible teacher, he basically covers the entire IB Chem syllabus in his videos. Usually I just watch his videos, take notes on them.
  2. Make sure you really understand the concepts and the underlying reasons, dont just memorize the answers.
  3. Revise a lot, I usually do 2 hours every weekend catching up what we covered in class.
  4. Throughout the 2 years, take good notes, so by the time the exams come, you have knowledge retained and notes you can look back on.
  5. Also doing the practice papers is very important if you want to score high. Look at the markscheme and memorize the exact points you need to score full marks- usually it’s specific terminology or phrases they want you to include in your explanations.

Wow, um I have to wonder what is going on at your school? Almost everyone in HL Chem at my kids’ school passes.
HL Chem is basically college general chem and there’s no reason only 4% should pass.

Hey guys. I am presently a sophomore in an Ib school and I would like to ask you Ib students who will be taking the IB May session, if you could go back 1 year ago , what would you change or not and why ? What summer camps , online courses , research, help or resources would you have visited

Memorize the whole book… never goes wrong… also go through the MS to memorize the solving pattern fo the very predictable and limited type of sums that come