How to Get into Investment Banking from Cornell

<p>I was wondering what the best undergraduate school at Cornell is for landing a job in investment banking. Is it a finance degree from the agriculture school or the hotel school, or an economics degree from the college of arts and sciences? Also, what is the difference between the finance degrees at the agriculture school vs. the hotel school, and how do they affect your chances in landing an investment banking job.

<p>Aem aem aem aem</p>

<p>also, which of these schools are hardest to get into because I’ve heard that you apply to a specific school?</p>

<p>it doesn’t matter which major or which school, just make sure you take plenty of math courses.</p>

<p>frankly, wait until the MBA. The life of an associate >> the life of an analyst.</p>

<p>The easiest school to get in at Cornell is the school that most fits you.</p>

<p>but what school, statistically speaking, is probably easiest to get into?</p>

<p>TheSternLock is right. You can’t use statistics. Even if you had a 4.0/2400 the hotel school would still flat out reject you if you didn’t “fit”. And interviews are mandatory for the hotel school. AEM is very selective (I think ~10% - Correct me if I’m wrong) and you still have to show “fit” there through business ECs, essays, passion and what not. And I guess econ at CAS is pretty much the same. Wherever you go doesn’t really matter anyway. Remember at Cornell you can take classes from any of the 7 colleges you desire, even minors in other colleges. It’s just that your major has to be in the college you attend. For instance, you can be in Architecture, Art and Planning, and take courses in CALS-AEM, College of Engineering and ILR. Oh, and you can also double and triple (yes, I said triple), major.</p>

<p>Finance recruiting is not limited to any particular school or major, and that’s what nice about Cornell. My daughter is a math Econ major at A&S. She knows people from Hotel, EM, engineering who are going into banking.</p>