How to grow a mean beard?

<p>Not this pathetic 'scruff' that so many 'men' are sporting these days. I'm talking about a beard that harkens back to a time when men would fight bears with nothing but their hands, when they'd build their own log cabins (instead of hiring Manuel & Compania to do it for below minimum wage). Neil Fallon's beard is a good example.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The problem is, I can't seem to get past that scruff stage and I look hella stupid like that. Anyone got tips on how to grow a real beard? </p>

<p>(and no I don't actually think a man's worth is based on his beard, I just hate shaving and I'd love to have a beard).</p>

<p>You wait.</p>

<p>Some people aren’t meant to have luxurious beards, unfortunately.</p>

<p>Beards are gross.</p>

<p>Billy Maze…now that dude had a great beard.</p>

<p>Shave twice a day. The more you shave, the faster and thicker the hair grows back.</p>



<p>This a myth. There is no scientific evidence that proves this true.</p>

<p>How to grow a mean beard?</p>

<p>Raise it from infancy, but barely feed it enough to keep it alive. Never show affection, only disdain. If it is necessary, kick and beat it to show it who is boss. </p>

<p>I guarantee these steps will result in a truly mean beard.</p>

<p>I think its kind of gross too. You would get food in it and its just dirty. Some guys are harier than others. I bet you cant get a real beard until you are at least 25. I kind of thin shaving is wierd, but its better than having a beard. Do colleges let you have a beard like that?</p>

<p>“Do colleges let you have a beard like that?”</p>


<p>get a tattoo on your face. Don’t get those phony finger mustaches on your index finger. Are you a real man?</p>

<h2>I think its kind of gross too. You would get food in it and its just dirty. Some guys are harier than others. I bet you cant get a real beard until you are at least 25. I kind of thin shaving is wierd, but its better than having a beard. Do colleges let you have a beard like that? ~ KollegeKid</h2>

<p>Lol, I knew guys who could grow a beard like that at 14.</p>

<p>In college I grew my hair out long, I thought it looked sexy hanging out from the back of my football helmet. I shoulda went for the full beard too…just get all spartan with it.</p>

<p>THIS IS SPARTA!!!</p>

<p>Let it grow for a month, and don’t shave once. Seriously. Don’t trim, don’t do anything, just let it go. After a month, you’ll be able to look at it and get an idea how it would look longer. If you don’t like it (or can’t grow enough/it doesn’t grow in everywhere), shave it off and try again a year later. Unfortunately, there aren’t really many things you can do to make a beard grow faster or fuller.</p>

<p>No shave November. Done.</p>

<p>Move to oregon, they got something the water.</p>

<p>Are you a freshman in college, or still in high school? If so, don’t sweat it. Wait a year or two and you’ll probably be able to grow a legit beard. </p>

<p>If you’re already a junior/senior in college…hmm. You might be out of luck. Some people just can’t grow beards. Sad but true. That being said, you always have other options. Many people who can’t grow beards can still grow decent sideburns/moustaches/goatees.</p>

<p>I was under the impression this was a a generation that hates hair. I know my daughter thinks facial hair on men is unattractive.</p>

<p>Frankly I already suck with women, the possible ramifications of growing a beard are outweighed by things I can do to improve my luck with the ladies I think. Plus if a girl won’t date me simply because of a beard (even if she loves everything else about me), she can **** off.</p>

<p>@Karabee I tried that last year. I looked like a dirty mexican (I’m part hispanic so I can say that)</p>

<p>@Can’t remember your username, I’m 19. My dad has to shave pretty much every day (never seen him with a beard though), and the men on my mom’s side seem to be able to grow beards too if I’m not mistaken.</p>