how to guesstimate current math 1a grade?

<p>i am in olsson's class right now and i would like to estimate my grade in the class going into the final so i can know what to expect at the end of the semester grade-wise. this is not a question of simply calculating my "raw" grade, using a weighted average. rather, i have heard from some people that your final grade in the class may be higher than the actual scores you get on midterms...not sure about this anyone who has taken math 1a, if you know about this, help would be great.</p>

<p>Midterms (40 % of total grade)</p>


<p>midterm 1: B-
midterm 2: yeah...F :(</p>

<p>quizzes (20% total grade):</p>


<p>70/80 if two lowest are dropped </p>

<p>homework (its graded p/np and in not really sure how it is factored in, percentage-wise): </p>



<p>final: dont know yet (trying to figure out what i can realistically get)</p>

<p>in some amazing world, can i still pass with some degree of a B....or maybe even an A-? (i think i know the answer to this but i still want to make sure...)</p>

<p>Your grade will depend on how the professor grades. It’s a safer bet to ask him than to ask this forum.</p>

<p>For your last question, it’s unlikely that you’ll get an A-. However, you might be able to pull off some sort of a B depending on how well your peers do on the midterms.</p>

<p>ok thanks…do professors usually mind or get annoyed if you ask them that sort of question: “can i still get X grade?” what is the best way to go about asking this to them? oh and as far as midterms go, i got an F…with the curve implemented so does that ruin it for me then?</p>

<p>It’s a bad idea to simply ask “can I still get this grade.” Start off by saying you learned a lot in the course, but you feel that the scores you got on the two midterms don’t accurately reflect your knowledge. Then say you will study harder for the final (actually do this instead of just recite it). Here’s where you pop the question and ask him what grade you can expect if you pull a, let’s say, A- on the final.</p>

<p>If you got an F after the curve on the midterm, then it is harder to get into the B range. You have to do exceptionally well on the final.</p>

<p>ok thanks tastybeef</p>

<p>any other help peeps?</p>

<p>I’m in Professor Olsson’s class as well. Aren’t quizzes 15% of the discussion grade, with homework accounting for the remaining 5%? That’s how it is with my discussion. Since the midterm grades have been curved already, I calculated what my maximum grade could be by subtracting the points I’ve lost thus far from the midterms and discussion, which is what I think you mean by calculating weighted average. I don’t see how our final grade in the class can be higher than what it is affected by the midterms because they’ve been curved already, but that would be really nice. Midterm 2 was very tough. </p>

<p>I think it’d be best to send Professor Olsson an email with your situation.</p>

<p>How do you prepare for his exams btw?</p>

<p>^thanks…kind of disheartening b/c i thought 1a would be a piece of cake after taking multivariable in HS and getting a B…that and i kind of froze up and loss track of time from nervousness when taking the second midterm b/c i was scared and paranoid i would get a B- again (funny considering now i would LOVE to have gotten that instead of a big ugly F)</p>

<p>i dont know if this situation is unique enough where Prof Olsson might be able to do anything anyway</p>

<p>for the last one, i did his practice midterm, went over old midterms but didnt bother realy solving them out since there are no answers and finally reviewed my HW…how did you study? any tips at all would help</p>

<p>anyone have agol? what was the curve for the 2 midterms…?</p>

<p>Don’t bother counting points for Olsson.</p>

<p>Basically, the way my GSI explained it was, you get 5 “grades” (they only keep track of what letter grade you got.</p>

<p>Midterm 1
Midterm 2
Final 1
Final 2 (identical to Final 1; the Final is worth 2 midterms)</p>

<p>They see what letter grade you got in each area and then give you the average, with the final being weighted (unofficially) a bit more.</p>

<p>So if you got (for example)</p>

<p>Midterm 1: A
Midterm 2: C
Section: B
Final 1/2: A</p>

<p>You’d probably have an A- (it averages to a B+ I think, but the final, as my GSI stressed several times, is apparently weighted heavier than the given 40%).</p>

<p>If you have
Midterm 1: B-
Midterm 2: F
Section: A
Final 1/2: A
You’d definitely be in the B range.</p>

<p>oh thank you thank you thank you iVinshe!!!</p>

<p>Good god. I’m not even aiming for a A in the class anymore. I’m just going for a C now. A C and a F on the midterms and a B- in the section…gaaaaah. :(</p>

wait is the class curved again after the final?</p>

<p>hmmmmmmmmmm are your B- and F midterm grades after the curve? or before?</p>

<p>if its before the curve, you should tell us the average. you might still have a chance even for an A.</p>

<p>if its after the curve, to get even a B, you must get an A on the final. sorry but theres only a small chance for you to get an overall grade of A-.</p>

<p>btw, its really pointless asking a professor, “can i still get X grade?” really, no one knows. maybe everybody in the class fails, but you magically pull off 100% on the final. it really depends on the curve.</p>

<p>^i believe after the curves</p>

<p>My GSI told me Midterm 2 was curved more harshly in a punishing way because the professor felt that if a person was not even able to complete one question they did not deserve a passing grade, which was where most of the class was apparently. However, I was also told that the curve may be eased up a bit at the end depending where most of the class end up gradewise.</p>

<p>Oh, and apparently GSIs are the ones who keep track of your grades, not the professor.</p>

<p>Wow, that’s pretty harsh.</p>

<p>GSI’s calculate your scores, but they all submit them to the professor and he ultimately applies the curve and determines your grade. Your GSI only grades assignments and quizzes. It is up to the professor for your overall grade.</p>