How to indicate # of service hours in app/resume

<p>I was wondering where I should put the # of community service hours I've completed? For certain organizations that I have had a long-term volunteer experience with (I have two), I put them on my resume but they total to around 200. I have 400+ hours altogether and since community service is a bit part of my life, I'd like adcoms to be aware of that--maybe it's not the 10,000 hours other CCers have but it's still important to me. :)</p>

<p>bump bump bump!</p>

<p>I’m assuming that you list the hours under “positions held, honors won, or letters earned” in the “Activities” section of the Common App?</p>

<p>yeah, they’ll be able to get a good sense of your hours by that. You can mention all your hours in additional info., but in the commonapp, you can only list it by hr/wk and wk/yr.</p>

<p>Isn’t there a space where you can type in the hours under “positions held, honors won, or letters earned”?</p>

<p>gmitil10 - thats what i was referring to, sorry if i made it vague esgee</p>

<p>I didn’t actually list anything about my community service on my app - I don’t log the hours officially, I just do them. Didn’t keep me out.</p>

<p>can anyone tell me what bump means…</p>

<p>cant you group them? that is what I did- like on your resume. Put Community service and list the organizations and then more specifics including hrs</p>

<p>and if you havent already done the app, you can simply put under EC’s “community service” and “hundreds of hours devoted to various organizations”, or something like that, and then go into more detail in your resume.</p>

<p>college-seeker, “bump” is to make the topic more relevant so people are more likely to view and respond to the topic</p>

<p>this may sound like a dumb and lazy question, but how do colleges check if the services were actually performed? Just so that if they do have a method of checking, i’ll know how to make that information readily available to them through outside resources.</p>

<p>It is not formal on your application, but is more credible the more formal you make it, ie names of sponsors and such. Most colleges expect that if you have an emphasis on you application that it be confirmed by references in your teach and counselor recs.</p>