How to make up for lack of APs in school.

<p>At my school we only have one AP class, AP English Language. We do have about 13 Dual Credit classes through a local community college, but they don't seem to be at the same caliber of the corresponding AP class (Dual Credit Calculus is easier than AP Calculus). Will colleges understand that I took the hardest classes I could at my school, or do I need to make up for the fact that I only took one AP class?</p>

<p>I’m sure taking those dual credit classes will make up for it. It’s not like you’re expected to self-study or take classes at the local college.</p>

<p>But if you want to self-study, that would be beneficial given your situation!</p>

<p>Dual-credit is fine. You’re right, dual-credit classes are not as hard as AP (I draw from the experience of my cousin to make this claim) but colleges should take note that you took the hardest classes available to you.</p>