<p>So we hear back from Harvard in about 3 months. What are you all going to do to make the time go by faster? Are you going to try to occupy yourselves with other things and try to stay as busy as possible? Or will thinking about hearing back from schools make it go by faster?</p>
<p>Staying very busy. I’ve got so much stuff going on, I have no doubt the time will fly. :)</p>
<p>Haha. It’s so interesting because after getting into a college EA, you’re really no longer anxious to hear back from other places.</p>
<p>Ha, well, after being deferred from two EA schools, you tend to be rather anxious to hear back from other places. :)</p>
<p>I’m already anxious. But once school starts and senior events start up, I am positive that time will fly.</p>
<p>yeah im nervous, the wait is killing me, but school activities keep me pretty occupied
i need to get of of cc!!!</p>
<p>wow. can you say d o u c h e?</p>
<p>Do colleges decide on a definitive date to send out decisions and let applicants know beforehand, or do they just send them out on a random date, unannounced?</p>
<p>I know the date is always around April 1, but then e.g. Yale sent out decisions March 31 last year, etc.</p>
<p>I thought all the ivy league decisions came out on March 31st @ 5 EST last year, but I might be wrong, lol.</p>
<p>yeah, getting deferred EA sucks (I was). the last wait went by really quick, though, or at least it wasn’t on my mind at all since senior year has been pretty hectic, hopefully this is the same. i’m already freaking out, thoug</p>
<p>I really wasn’t trying to brag; I was just stating an observation. I’m actually kind of confused as to why you took offense to what I said… but I apologize?</p>
<p>I was literally glued to CC and my EA school’s website for two months leading up to decisions day. However, now that I got in somewhere, college decisions couldn’t be further from my mind despite the fact that I’m waiting to hear back from some of my top choices like all of you.</p>
<p>^^ he got into Yale fyi ;)</p>
<p>ah, just got to keep myself busy with school and CC… i hate the wait…
ah, i know being deferred sucks and makes you so anxious… (myself deferred two EAs as well…)
hey are there such things as ‘likely’ letters?</p>