I have two activities that I am putting on my activities section that I started only a couple months ago, so I have only been doing both of them for about eight weeks… One of them I do every week and intend for it to be a yearlong activity. The other one I do every week but will end in January (three months from now). How should I reflect these on the weeks/year section of the activity report? Right now I have the first activity as 52wk/yr, but it feels wrong because I’ve only been doing the activity for eight weeks. The second one I haven’t even put anything yet because I’m just so unsure.
Also, I have an online job where I lied about my age on my job application (you need to be 18, I’m only 17). This is a significant activity for me that I would otherwise think help my application, but I’m worried what colleges will think since they will wonder how I have a job there; they can find out that I don’t meet the age requirements with just a little bit of research or common sense. I’m conflicted on whether to put this on my application. Alternatively I could covertely report it by describing the job duties without mentioning the specific company, but this seems weak to me since the Common App asks for a company if applicable, and at that point I think it might be better to just leave it out altogether. Anyway, what do you all think? Should I report this activity straightforward, do it covertely, or not at all?