How to rescind my previous acceptance of WashU Fall 2020 transfer spot?

I accepted my spot at WashU for Fall 2020 transfers, but ultimately decided to settle at Georgetown instead after I received a decent finaid package from them. I’m not sure how to withdraw from WashU. I did email WashU’s transfer office but haven’t received a response yet.

What’s worse is WashU had waived my deposit. I’m worried they’ll sue me for leaving WashU even after I’d accepted my spot (there was an electronic signature involved too).

I don’t know if you are able to withdraw after accepting a spot, unless we are talking about waitlists, etc. I hope things worked out, but just be frank with them (cite COVID-19 as a factor if Georgetown is closer to home). Call them, be frank, and I am sure they will be willing to work things out. I don’t think they will sue, but maybe they will ask for their deposit? I don’t know if anyone here has had this experience before, but just remember that these universities are run by people, and people have goodness in them. Good luck!