How to "Show Interest" in CWRU (Updated)

Case considers the “Level of applicant’s interest” to be “Considered” in the admissions decision.

Here are some ways to show interest:

+Sign up for information.

+Attend a college fair and talk to the admissions counselor/alumni. They will have a method for you to share your information.

+Attend a High School visit if CWRU visits your HS

+Attend a regional information session.

+Attend an online info session (NEW)

+Schedule an online interview (NEW)

+Take a tour/Go to open house if possible.

+Contact the admissions counselor in your area;

+Read emails Case sends you (yes, colleges can tell if you have opened the email)

+Asking questions not answered on website or in this forum:

To see the relative importance of factors such as Demonstrated Interest, etc. check out the latest CWRU Common Data Set, Section C7


Bumping up

Hey Bopper,

I’ve noticed you seem pretty well versed in Case admissions and I was wondering if you know whether or not alumni interviews hold the same weight as on-campus ones. I’m a prospy that is applying ED II as CWRU is my #1, and so I visited the campus last month. Unfortunately the one day I was in Ohio they didn’t offer on-campus interviews. As a result, I have to settle for an alumni interview. Is it less impactful in terms of admission decisions? Should I fly back to Ohio to do an on-campus interview?

No need to fly back…the interviews are to give a more well rounded view of the candidate…it lets you fill in your story from what the Common App allows…also you get to learn about CWRU and ask questions. Case is fully aware that not everyone can make it to campus before they are admitted.

@bopper, do you think the on campus interview could help with merit award decisions? Both the ones that applications are automatically reviewed for and the ones that require separate applications/essays?

Also, @bopper, if CWRU says decisions will be released on or around Dec. 17th, do they release them any earlier historically? And if so, how early?

I am an alumni inteviewer and don’t know completely how things work, but before you get merit you have to be admitted. Case does have a high number of people they put on the wait list (as many private schools do to help keep their yield numbers up (number of admittees/number of enrollees).

If you look at the Common Data Set, you see that GPA/SAT/ECs are the Very Important. Those are what are going to get you the merit money I think. What Case considers Important is the Interview (on campus or off), Essay, Recommendations, Character).

But many people cannot do an interview (on or off campus) and are still admitted. Do the best that you can do and don’t worry further.

@Winky1 I don’t know when they release decisions…look at older posts and see if you see anything. Also keep in mind from my point of view (having watched several admissions cycles) that they will in fact inform you around Dec 17th and exactly what day doesn’t matter. I know to you, the applicant, you cannot wait another minute! :slight_smile:

Thanks @bopper - I am actually a Mom. My D interviewed on campus last week. We love that school.

Is it necessary to do an interview? We attended information session offsite, attended open house, but did not get to schedule an interview.

The interview is optional. You can request one with an alum in your home town or have one with an admissions rep on campus. I think they can only help, but they are not required.

Why choose Case if you can pay less at your instate institution?

@SuperAzn69 if you have an instate option that provides better education than case, you should not choose Case. You certainly do not need convincing…

Lots of state schools don’t offer much merit or financial aid, and some private schools are very generous, often covering all demonstrated need.

Some people like a smaller school than their state school.

Well, state schools provide programs that offer a smaller community based approach to education.

^ Some of them do, some don’t. Sweeping generalizations about what all public universities offer (or not) is not really warranted.

My daughter applied Early Action a few years ago and was accepted. She was never able to visit before applying as it is far, but she spoke to a friend of ours who is an alumnus, and also had an interview. She received her acceptance on the day they promised. It came with a nice merit award in spite of not being able to visit before applying. Her merit award was part of the acceptance letter. It’s a great school. Good luck to you!

Here’s a bunch of schools that do have them:
University of Michigan with its Learning Communities( grouped by specific interests, major, and goals) and LSA Honors Program
Ohio State University Learning Communities and Honors College
Michigan State University’s Residential Colleges (Lyman Briggs, James Madison, and Residential College in Arts and Humanities) and Honors College
Purdue University Learning Community
University of Illinois Living-Learning Communities

–So it is definitely possible to make “small” out of a big state school. A few of my friends are at Lyman Briggs and James Madison at Michigan State and have said that their programs allow them to feel less overwhelmed at a big school and have a small, close group of supportive peers. I think students “chicken out” from applying to state universities because of the sheer total enrollment size. They should do research on those programs.