How To Show Passion?

<p>I know that I'm passionate at contest math and the like. I enjoy doign it and aspire to be a Putnam Felloiw or something. I made USAMO this year but dont think I'll get to MOsP. My question is, how do i show that I'm passionate in this kidn of stuff. Sorry for the vagueness.</p>

<p>Part of having a passion is sharing it. Have you thought about doing math tutoring? Coaching a younger team?</p>

<p>How to show passion? Do something for a long time and do your best at it. </p>

<p>Of course, you can trick colleges into thinking you are passionate about something by doing it for a long time and excelling, but why would you want to? Find something you really enjoy (early on*) and then do your best.</p>

<p>*The problem I see: Most kids don't have any idea what they are passionate about going into 9th grade. But, the idea that all ECs must span four yrs is drilled into them by sources like CC. </p>

<p>I'm in 9th grade and this year I chose speech/debate team over newspaper club. I really regret the decision but I probably won't change it next year since, frankly, I want to get into a good college. =/</p>

<p>3 years looks just as good as 4. As long as it's not a 1 yr stint, you'll be fine.</p>

<p>Thanks, but what I mean is that I am passionate in it, but I want to show them that I'm actually passionate at it and not just doing it for college or numbers.
And that coaching thing might just work.</p>
