<p>I have the Barrons Prep book at the moment, but I'm not sure how I should be approaching it. I have 2-3 months to prepare... Right now I'm just reading through the material after taking the diagnostic test and one of the practice tests, but a lot of the pre-1775 stuff seems pretty irrelevant and I didn't see much of it in the tests.</p>
<p>For anybody that has taken the real SAT2 US History tests, can you recommend a good study method? And are there certain time periods I should focus more on? That and any other miscellaneous tips would be really appreciated, thanks!</p>
<p>Edit: I read in the other thread that Barrons is much harder than the real thing. Should I still completely study it or should I just review from a different book and just skim Barrons to see if I missed anything and do the practice tests?</p>
<p>The best study tool would be taking APUSH, honestly.</p>
<p>Pretty much everything in the Barron’s book is irrelevant information. </p>
<p>Do be warned that there will be a lot of pre-revolution stuff on the SAT II. </p>
<p>The SAT II USH hits on the time periods pretty equally. There is a slight emphasis on information from 1790 - present. </p>
<p>[SparkNotes:</a> SAT Subject Test: U.S. History: Content of the SAT II U.S. History](<a href=“SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides”>SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides)</p>
<p>The practice tests are worthless. I did two. Wasted two hours of my life. The best book is going to be The Essential Content. I read it, got an 800. </p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-subject-tests-preparation/1352669-guide-history-sat-ii.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-subject-tests-preparation/1352669-guide-history-sat-ii.html</a></p>
<p>Seriously, APUSH is the best way to go
After studying for the AP test all I did was take two practice tests (one in Barrons, one in blue book) and did terrible on both and still got a 770 on the real one.</p>