<p>I have been taking practice tests in the Blue Book in preparation for the SAT. However, I have found the curves to be very ambigious and I am looking to get a better look at how I am doing on these tests. for example, the CR curve is sometimes 690-800. When estimating my score, should I just take the average of that number? Please help...</p>
<p>Good question, I was thinking about this today. Also wondering.</p>
<p>You could compare it to tests that gave actual scores rather than just curves. I think that’s a better way of doing it than just taking the average.</p>
<p>The ranges are already based on tests that give actual scores. I would recommend using the average of the two range numbers but as long as you are consistent I don’t think it matters too much. Very optimistic? Use the upper number. Very pessimistic? Use the lower number. Halfway between the two? Use the average.</p>