How to verify I SIRd to UCLA Help

<p>Hey guys, I submitted my SIR 2 weeks ago and I'm not sure how to find out if my SIR was successfully submitted? Where do I check? And how do I know it's done?</p>

<p>Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>Log into MyUCLA. Look under “Admissions Profile”.</p>

<p>What’s it supposed to say? IT doesn’t say anything about SIR</p>

<p>thanks again</p>

<p>It should say:</p>

<p>"Your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) was received on 4/24/2012</p>

<p>Residence for Tuition Classification: Resident
Please refer to the Residency FAQ for more information.
Visa Status: C (U.S. CITIZEN)
Country of Citizenship: UNITED STATESªªªªªªª"</p>

<p>Are you sure you submitted it then? You had to do it on URSA along with your SLR, and there was a $100 fee.</p>

<p>I didn’t have to pay a $100 dollar fee, but myUCLA says what LAforlife posted</p>

<p>Another way to check if your SIR was submitted is to check your email. You should’ve received a confirmation email with the subject title “Notification of payment” signifying that your SIR payment has been received.</p>

<p>Is there a reason why I didn’t have to pay for the SIR?</p>

<p>Cheddar I’m wondering too because I never had to pay the fee</p>

<p>Hm, that’s kind of strange but my other friend didn’t have to pay either. I don’t know though, maybe it’ll get counted into our statement?</p>

<p>Are you guys EOP or something? If so, that’s probably why.</p>

<p>What’s EOP?</p>

<p>It’s some program that you get into. I don’t think you’re in it. Nor am I. I’ve come to the conclusion that it probably has to do with our income lv. My EFC is like a 0 so I guess that’s the reason. Cheddar are you around the same EFC as me?</p>

<p>Yes, I’m very confused about this, too. I have heard about the deposit fee about the official UC homepage. But, my campus makes no mention of it. I double checked Holds, To Do list and Account inquiries. Nothing. Should I still send money?</p>

<p>Update, Never mind. :)</p>