SIR deposit?

<p>When I submitted my SIR, I wasn't asked to pay the deposit. Does that mean the fee was waived? Has this happened to any of you?</p>

thats strange if you submitted today wait till tomorrow to see if you receive a conformation.
Go to admission status and it should say something about being admitted and accepting it</p>

<p>I submitted the SIR about 2 days ago and all it says on my admission status is: “You have completed your acceptance to UC Santa Cruz for fall quarter 2011…” Was I supposed to get some kind of confirmation email?</p>

<p>Thats the same confirmation I got when i sent it like 1 week ago.
Just in case I would call them up tomorrow…I think too late for today.
Strangest part is they tell you that the confirmation will come AFTER the deposit part is done.
I don’t think you’re supposed to get an email…except when i submitted the SIR and deposit it sent an email saying you will receive confirmation on your myuscs in 1-2 days.</p>

<p>After that I had to do SLR (Statement of Legal Residence) actually I don’t know if that has to do with SIR or when i turned in the taxes and stuff since they were around the same time.
I think your SIR was sent and is done but just call them up and have them check your info. You should be fine but just call in case.</p>

<p>Really? This is worrying me, but I’ll try calling them tomorrow and asking about it. Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>I think your SIR deposits are waived. I had the same issue, and I e-mailed them and got a reply saying that they were waived, which is understandable since I got into EOP. You should double check just in case though :)</p>

<p>My deposits were waived as well. I think it said it somewhere on the page. UC is good to it’s financially weak students.</p>

<p>Thanks Zaksan! That cleared up my questions :)</p>

<p>The SIR said my deposit got “deffered” guessing that means waived. If you got your UC Applications waived then I think you get other fees waived as well (the english placement test, SIR, and housing all waived) </p>

<p>I didn’t get any confirmation yet o.o Hopefully my SIR went through.</p>

<p>It is definitely a deferment rather than a payment being waived :). The SIR deposit and the housing deposit amounts are applied to your bill you will receive for fall. If the amount is deferred, then it will be paid at the time your bill is due. Example:</p>

<p>Bill is for $5,000.
SIR and Housing deposits are for $300.</p>

<p>If SIR and Housing deposits are paid, bill will be $4,700.
If SIR and Housing deposits are waived, bill will be $5,000.</p>

<p>The application fee and the orientation fee are actually waived (if you qualify, of course). These do not have to be paid at a later date. Orientation fee can only be waived for the student, though, and not a parent.</p>

<p>^oh thanks!</p>