Some good places to eat, do groceries near the campus

<p>What are some inexpensive places near the campus(not the cafeteria!!!) for inexpensive eating or groceries including taxes? I would like to get used to what are there near campus. </p>

<p><a href=“Google Maps”>Google Maps;

<p>The Strip is on the West side of campus and has a Publix grocery store and lots of restaurants. All of this is within walking distance. Many will use Bama Cash and a few use Dining Dollars.</p>

<p>What I have done is pulled up GoogleMaps and looked at the Satellite view to get a feel for the area. </p>

<p>Publix is the only grocery store within a reasonable walking distance to campus. Shop the sales and one can get some very good prices. As a freshman with an unlimited meal plan, you won’t really be needing to buy a lot of food unless you tend to eat when the dining halls are closed or like going out to eat at restaurants.</p>

<p>As for inexpensive restaurants, look around the Strip and see where you might like to eat. A lot of restaurants have student discounts, lunch/daily specials, or have coupons which can be found on campus and around town.</p>

<p>thank you :-)</p>

<p>on the strip there is a mexican place, Pepitos I think, cheap and good. Chipotle is there also, most everyone likes it, not expensive a you get a lot of food. There is a couple of nice restaurants on the strip also but downtown mostly. Most of the quick places on the strip are reasonable and pretty good.</p>


<p>A Panda Express is opening up on campus.</p>

<p>My son will be staying on campus over Thanksgiving so he can attend the Iron Bowl. He knows nobody in the area. I notice from the website that the food service on campus seems to stop on Wednesday and not open again until Saturday for game day. Are the restaurants near campus open on Thanksgiving and the next day or will he be better off just heating up items in his suite for the Thursday/Friday of the holiday weekend? I feel bad if he can’t get a decent meal on Thanksgiving Day. Thanks!</p>

<p>pgddad - I would not worry about this! There will be more kids on campus this year than previous, because of the Iron Bowl. The only actual date he might have problems finding something open nearby would be Thursday. But there is always SOMEthing open during Thanksgiving - he might need to get a ride to it (i.e., restaurant away from campus) - and, I’m sure he will have met some people by then who are in similar situations, and they will all figure it out together, or go to a house, or combine resources, etc. </p>

<p>Cracker Barrel is always open on Thanksgiving Day, and for a restaurant-cooked Thanksgiving meal, it is very good, reasonably priced, and includes everything - turkey, ham, dressing, veggies, even pumpkin streusel pie. You can also order Thanksgiving meals to go up until a couple of days before, so if students wanted to go in together and then eat a meal back at the dorms, that is an option. Might be a good back-up if nobody wants to cook or eat Stove Top.</p>

<p>Thanks Everyone!</p>

<p>Publix also offers a Thanksgiving meal to go that can be picked up the day before and is within walking distance.</p>

<p>Waffle House never closes and there is a location right on the Strip.</p>

<p>pgdad – LOTS of OOS students (including my son) will be staying on campus for the entire Thanksgiving break, so don’t worry…they will figure it out together!</p>

<p>pgdad, my son will be staying over Thanksgiving also. It’s just not worth it for him to come home.</p>