How was AP World History today?

<p>MC was a breeze. The DBQ and the comparitive essays were killers. High 4 or a 5? God knows.</p>

<p>I thought the entire test was a piece of cake.</p>

<p>I finished the MC within 25 to 30 min. Furthermore, I wrote 3 pages for both the CCOT, and the Compare and Contrast. For the DBQ, I wrote four pages. Although it may seem as though the number of pages I wrote is not that much, it should be said that my writing is compact. As in I could write many of the 4+ page essays, using half the amount of paper.</p>

<p>Does anybody know the scoring curve for the AP World History test.</p>

<p>MC, DBQ, and comparison were pretty easy.</p>

<p>Change over time was… uh, I made stuff up.</p>

<p>We never wrote any of those essays in class, or… anything actually. wow.</p>

<p>Butt. I wrote five pages for DBQ, and four for the other two. Fairly large handwriting.</p>