<p>Is it easy to make friends at Penn- like not cliquey or anything? Are social events usually open and not all exclusive or anything?</p>
<p>I just transferred and everyone has been pretty welcoming. It’s like any school in that you’ll find your usual cast of characters. (Just be ready to tell all the Wharton kids what school you’re in when they ask.)</p>
<p>avoid snobby whartonites lol…</p>
<p>Wharton is overrated. period.</p>
<p>soysauce, aren’t you class of 2013?..</p>
<p>I transferred here this semester also. I have never found it so easy to talk to people, make friends, etc. in my life.</p>
<p>I never had that Wharton issue before. Although with the way the economy is looking, I’d rather be in the college.</p>
<p>The Wharton kids aren’t bad at all, I suppose, they just talk about Wharton a lot.</p>
<p>I agree that Wharton is pretty overrated at the moment…</p>
<p>At Penn, Wharton students agree that Wharton is overrated.
Wharton students don’t stop themselves from having non-Wharton friends.</p>
<p>Regardless of what you may think of Wharton, they’re just as outgoing as SEAS/College/Nursing. </p>
<p>In general, Penn is very welcoming. You might see me welcoming you next fall. We do a bit too much for our Freshman class. Our new student orientation is the world’s most expensive NSO according to the staff here.</p>
<p>most people make friends with their hallmates initially until they find new people in their classes or in their other activities…but some stay really close with their hallmates. I would say that almost everyone will have found their “group” by the end of the first month. I ended up not getting along with my hall very well so it was a bit of a difficult adjustment, but almost all my friends now say they had a really easy transition. Hallmates can be invaluable during NSO and your first few weeks when you really don’t know anyone. Hang in there if you’re having a difficult time. You WILL find good friends at Penn! There are all different types here. And ya, most of the social events are totally open and you will get bombarded with little flyers for parties and events under your door, esp. during NSO but also throughout the year.</p>
<p>lauke, can you tell us a bit about nso? why is it the most expensive?</p>
<p>aww don’t talk about NSO…it’s still a whole 4 months away :(</p>
<p>But I want to vicariously live through it first. I’m bored. lol</p>
<p>i thought NSO was in september</p>
<p>Literally every Ivy League school and equivalent institution is overrated. To quote our president Amy Guttman: get over it.</p>
<p>yeah my bad…9 months away haha…</p>
<p>It’ll be pretty obvious why it’s so expensive; they really go all out…</p>
<p>Why is it the most expensive?
<a href=“http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v323/56/8/1342020060/n1342020060_30386295_373.jpg[/url]”>http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v323/56/8/1342020060/n1342020060_30386295_373.jpg</a>
(from my friend’s cellphone)</p>
<p>The Amtrak building welcomes us. The Amtrak building is pretty huge. google it.</p>
<p>Then, we go dance and have fun in the Philadelphia museum. It’s the third largest in the world, i believe. Of course, we have a comedy show, a hypnotist show, a whole lot of parties, 5-6 free shirts per person, a party in the Penn museum, a speech here a speech there, and so on.</p>
<p>Most expensive thing is renting the entire Philadelphia museum just so we can grind. That costs $2 million from what I’ve heard. I don’t know how much it costs in total, but I can only speculate.</p>
<p>hm cool! maybe I don’t want to know anymore…I want it to be a surprise. i’m so indecisive about everything.</p>