<p>Well, I am just wondering if anyone knows of any online places where I can take the multiple choice section for either of them and get scored based on that?</p>
<p>I am worried about both tests right now, but for opposite reasons.</p>
<p>AP Euro
I go to a private school with kids from all over the world and this is the hardest class at our school. There are 2 or 3 As out of about 20 kids and the test averages are all about 80. I have an 89 in this class and am worried about how I will do because he is telling us bad things like we can't properly analyze the documents and we are "making observations and not analysis's" and trust me, we are not stupid kids. A girl in my class with a 92% got a 2280 on the SAT as a freshmen.</p>
<p>AP English
We don't really learn in this class but instead we read non fiction short stories and take multiple choice tests. When he has grades my essays I have gotten the following grades 6, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 8. He isn't an AP grader and I worry a lot of the time that he is too easy of a grader although I am not sure. Also when I take the multiple choice tests I usually get between 65% and 85% right, I got 100% on one of the easier ones though. By the way, we take one multiple choice section at a time and we are working our way up. Last time we took 2 out of 4 of them and I didn't do too hot, like 60% I think, but that was a harder one and I am hoping to get better on the next one by a lot.</p>
<p>Does anyone know around what number this would put me at?</p>