How will I take the AWPE?

So like the other day, I got an AWPE info letter in the mail saying I need to take it, but then I haven’t been accepted into any of the UCs yet. I’m waitlisted to UCI and I plan to go there if I get off the waitlist.

I didn’t know if I was supposed to take it or not so I searched it up and it said this on the FAQ section:
“Q: I have not been admitted to any UC campus, but I am on a campus waitlist. Should I plan to take the May exam?
A: If you have not yet been admitted to any UC campus, you should not take the May exam. However, if you are admitted prior to the test date and have not satisfied the Entry Level Writing Requirement, call our Customer Service number (800-839-8507) for a test center assignment and to receive important information about the exam.”

So it says I’m not supposed to take it. But if I get accepted into UCI and plan to enroll, will there be another AWPE for me to take or do I have to take the on-campus course instead? Or was I supposed to take it yesterday?

You can take the exam in September and your results will be available online by the middle of the first week of classes at UCI. You might have to wait a quarter however to sign up for any English/Writing courses at UCI until you have your official results.