AWPE test for UC's

I got a letter in the mail saying I have to take the AWPE test on May 11th. I am taking the AP Lit exam on May 8th and I really think I can pass with a 3 or better. Can I just not show up for the AWPE test? Also would it be too late to sign up for English classes after I get my Lit score in July?

Do you meet the entry level writing requirement by any other means listed here?


Most universities offer a makeup session prior to Fall quarter/semester if you decide not to take it now but that is a chance you have to take if you think you can pass the AP Lit exam. You will not be able to sign up for an English courses at Freshman orientation unless you have met the requirement by passing your AP Lit class and have that on your record prior to class registration.

AP scores come back on the second week of July, usually between July 5-10.

Which means of meeting the ELWR have you already met?

You may want to contact the campus you intend to enroll at to see that they have the evidence of that (test score or whatever).

By passing a C or better mean just taking an AP Language class and passing that, or does it mean actually taking a Literature class at a CC or something?