How will my friend's suspension affect his chances?

<p>As a disclaimer I'm currently a student at UCLA. This is for a friend back home. </p>

<p>He's currently a senior and a smart guy. Near straight As, 2200+ SAT, officer positions , etc. The trouble is he recently got suspended for 3 days for being fellated by a girl in a school bathroom. I'm not kidding. What do you think of his prospects now? I mean, yeah it was a stupid move on his part, but when a very attractive girl offers it to you how many can refuse?</p>

<p>I was suspended for helping someone cheat.
My friend was caught cheating.
Another friend i know was suspended 3 different times.</p>

<p>All have been accepted and attend UCLA.</p>

<p>don't mention it? i mean they don't really ask your school criminal record or anything</p>

<p>make them an offer they can't refuse. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>u have to report it cause if u get caught not reporting it, they'll rescind ur acceptance. Besides a 2200 and a nice GPA will definitely outweigh the suspension.</p>

<p>where on the app do they ask for that? write it in your personal statement? lmao</p>

<p>yea why would you report it if they dont even ask for it</p>

<p>the only reason you get in trouble for not reporting bad grades is because they ask for grades in the first place, this is completely different though</p>

<p>and ya, what are you going to do, add in a disclaimer after your essay saying, "PS: i was fellated in the school bathroom and got suspended for it"</p>

<p>u have to report it cause if u get caught not reporting it, they’ll rescind ur acceptance. Besides a 2200 and a nice GPA will definitely outweigh the suspension.</p>

<p>As a matter of fact, this is not true. Nowhere on the UC application asks for information regarding suspensions. Your friend has no obligation to report the suspension whatsoever. This only applies to the UC app and not the common app, unfortunately.</p>