How will you open your Yale decision

<p>Haha yea that's true. Everytime I go on CC, a bit of hope dies inside me. =P</p>

<p>Ah I guess we'll just have to wait until Friday to seee now. Gluck again to everyonee.</p>

<p>Yeah, CC killllsssss my confidence.... big time. Probs better that way. I'm just honored talking to you guys, being considered an equal. Fringey =/= competition for you guys, so it's all good :-)</p>

<p>I've kind of just accepted whatever's going to happen on Friday. I will most likely get one of two answers, reject or defer, and I'm just praying it's a defer!!!</p>

<p>Fringey no! Don't say that, everybody's in the same boat, we all have a 10% chance of getting in! Actually like 20% EA. So yeah, that's not too shabby! And i'm sure admission rate is even higher for people who refer to themselves in the third person such as Alextheman21190 and Fringey...;-)</p>

<p>Hahahaha yeah we're a special brand of loco! But seriously, check my chances thingy and you'll believe me. But it's ok, because even if I get rejected, I won't let my spirits drop (much).</p>

<p>I may be small, but I am FIERCE!</p>

<p>i love you fringey!!!</p>

<p>YES! you are fierce. let that inner bulldog out!</p>


<p>hahah ok that's it I'm loony</p>

<p>p.s. love you too, cokerz</p>

<p>Fringey, if you're like the freaking nicest online person I've ever met I bet you smashed that interview ;-). And you practically doubled your GPA between Freshman and Senior Year according to your chances thread, that's gotta make you stand out right? I really hope Yale accepts you, dammit now I'm becoming emotionally attached to everybody on this board ;-).</p>

<p>Awwww thanks Alextheman! I'd look at your chances thread but my heart can't take it...</p>

<p>I am usually a nice person... except in the morning. Hooooo boy....</p>

<p>I WANT TO GET IN SO BADLY!!!!!!!!!! But I'm gonna put it out there that I don't think I'd want to go if none of you get in... that's how much I like you guys.</p>

<p>ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol I just wanted to type that. Let me tell you it felt great :-). I'm usually pretty grumpy in the mornings too. And if you wake me up from a nap, I'll say random stuff that doesn't make sense at all, until I un-groggy-ize myself. Some of us have got to get in! lets just all keep our fingers crossed and hope that the admissions people can tell how much we like yale from our posts :-).</p>

<p>I actually am hoping there are Yale adcoms lurking around here... Probably not, though. And yeah, I'm a nap-talker, too. Grumpy and nonsensical.</p>

<p>It's funny, when I called Yale about a month ago to ask them for some random admissions statistic, the guy on the phone told me to look for it on CollegeConfidential.</p>

<p>I really hope they've been seeing us talk and see how dedicated we are to the Booldawgs.</p>

<p>That would be great. I mean, I could look like a total headcase and it would therefore be very, very bad.</p>

<p>Yale definitely looks at CC so hopefully some adcoms have taken a liking to us!</p>

<p>Lol you think that they try to figure out who we are for fun? That would be so cool!</p>

<p>Haha if they had enough time on their hands!</p>

<p>It wouldn't exactly be that difficult to identify us through our Chances threads, so perhaps =P</p>

<p>Hmmm i reeeeallly hope this is the case.... myessss....</p>

<p>I mean, I've said which school I go to, so who knows?</p>

<p>Did any of you guys fill out your AOL IM on Common App? That would be soo funny if they kept tabs on our profiles or stuff. </p>

<p>I know UC Davis (UCDAdmissions) has an AIM SN! D:</p>

<p>Haha I filled out my MSN cause we dont really use AIM over here.</p>

<p>And I added them on facebook. =P</p>

<p>Do you really think Yale has time to study our CC posts, profiles or whatever? Considering the number of applicants, I don't think so. besides, they do not enjoy being sent additional materials, why would they bother then find some additional materials on CC? It would be nice, but I doubt.</p>

<p>i am thinking about ... what about if the online decisions website is hacked?</p>