How will you open your Yale decision

<p>that's not what the deferred letters looked like...</p>

<p>as I've said before, you guys gotta get off CC or you'll explode, but on a related note, for those wondering what the packet looks like if you're admitted, here's what it looked like last year:
What’s</a> in the ‘fat envelope’? (What Yale sent me) | the Sam Jackson College Experience</p>

<p>Wow.... I want it.</p>

<p>That's not cocky :-) I wish I could confidently say that! And I would, were it reality...</p>


<p>i want it soo badly... gahh</p>

<p>I literally just put my hand on the screen as if to touch the acceptance letter. How cliche.</p>

i had an insane dream where i heard the bulldog and touched the big envelope... it was pure ecstasy.. prob most happiest seconds of my life</p>

<p>then i woke up and became depressed</p>

<p>: \ now I feel like giving you guys something visual just feeds the CC madness worse... ahhh. sorry.</p>

<p>also, they changed bulldogs this year. no offense to the new handsome dan, but mugsy was rather unceremoniously deposed...</p>

<p>if i get rejected i'll actually be so upset.</p>

<p>yale doesn't reject that many students though. only 20% last year were rejected. and only one CCer got straight out rejected. lets hope none of us get rejected this year! =)</p>

<p>everyone seems so qualified, how could any of us not get in.</p>

<p>I WANT TO GO TO YALE SO BAD IT HURTS!!!!!! Actually, when i get nervous i bite the inside of my cheek, so I actually do want to go so bad it hurts now...</p>

<p>I just went and read some of your chance threads and I must say I'm now totally terrified.</p>

<p>You don't need to. If anything holds me back, it's my sub-standard SAT scores by far.</p>

<p>the scary part is, everyone on here seems so qualified! either they have amazing test scores or have compensated with EXTRAORDINARY ecs! its really great, and even though some of us may not get in, i know you guys are all gonna succeed wherever u go..seriously u ppl are ridiculous! in a good way!</p>

<p>Lol haha, i hear you starburst. QuixoticRick, it's same with me and my class rank i'm freaking 53/524, it just breaks my heart ;-). Lol good luck to everyone 2 more sleepless nights counting this one :-).</p>

<p>Haha I'm like too scared to look at other people's chances threads.</p>

<p>I'd be too discouraged otherwise. =P</p>

<p>Everyone here is amazing. Last year just under half of the CCers got accepted to Yale SCEA.</p>

<p>AH i just looked at the fat package.</p>

<p>Pretty pretty banner.</p>

<p>I cannot believe this. I just CC Stalked a good number of you folks on this thread, and I'm nowhere near the 50 percentile :-(. It's ok, I guess i'll skip college and work in the same chinese restaurant for the rest of my life ;-).</p>

<p>Ohmy. I just saw your chances thread and nearly died. You'll probs be seeing the bulldog pop up come Friday.</p>

<p>last year, the girl everyone thought "most likely" to get in EA... totally didn't. so remember that for all its pretensions to the contrary, CC is not the admissions office of ___ school! chances threads will make everyone involved go crazy, keep away from them!!!</p>

<p>Lol are you serious? I just dug yours up from like April or something and you are insane. It's a good thing applications are mainly online now, because you would have had to UPS your long list of awards. Lol this forum as a whole is bad for self-esteem but good for moral support i guess ;-).</p>