How would a Jewish kid fit in?

I really really love Notre Dame but i cant help but feel as though
I would feel a little ousted by applying there as a jewish kid from the eastcoast</p>

<p>how accepting is notre dame of diversity?
and also
chance me ?
Chance Me?
ACT: 32
Sat II : Math2c: 740 Bio:710 US History: 790
Unweighted GPA : 3.843 Weighted (5 scale): 5.42
AP's: Bio 5, Comp Sci 5, Chem 5, US History 5, EU History 4
Course Load: most rigorous, always filled schedule with only honors and aps, taking all the available aps right now
Ranking: Top 10 percent (the only ranking my school has)</p>

I started my own DJ enterprise, legitamite business, have done barmitzvahs, fundraisers, sweet sixteens everything, have two hired people under me</p>

<p>Model UN 10 and 11 grade</p>

<p>Boxing since 11 Grade</p>

<p>Student Government for all of highschool, currently president of my school</p>

<p>last summer did immersion program in spain to learn language, culture, and an optional leadership program</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Self Employed
Worked at my parents company every summer for a month, 40 hours a week doing sales and interning with accounting</p>

Rensselaer Medal: for outstanding achievement in math and science
a few honor roll awards and awards for outstanding work</p>

<p>I am American born, but a full Israeli family, i speak hebrew at home, am trilingual (italian, hebrew, english)</p>

<p>hey, you could add diversity, which is always a plus for any school</p>

<p>religion shouldn't really play a role into your admissions process.. i think you have a pretty strong shot at making it in</p>

<p>I make a point to try to stay away from chancing people, but I can tell you that you wont have a problem fitting in. There was just an article in the Observer last week about Jewish students celebrating Yum Kapur. Most people are Catholic, but no one gives a damn what you are.</p>

<p>does it hurt that im applying Early Action???</p>

<p>Have a wonderful time in ND!
I agree it would add diversity</p>

<p>Jews don't box.</p>

this one does</p>

<p>Howard Cosell ended up hating boxing.</p>

does EA hurt my chances at all?</p>

<p>Nope. I think that if you feel like your application is the best that it can be at this point, then go ahead and apply early because you have good stats. ALTHOUGH IF you feel like you can raise a standardized test score or hand in an impressive mid-semester report, then you should wait and apply RD. Not sayin that you SHOULD apply EA, but based on what you posted your app looks unique, and if you feel like it's ready to go then go for it.</p>

<p>Actually in the early part of the 20th century there were quite a few jewish boxers. Between 1910 and 1940 there were 27 world jewish boxing champions.</p>

<p>I’m just curious-what is it that appeals to you so much? It’s just that I have a bunch of Jewish friends, and they’re all psyched about schools that are traditionally more Jewish/liberal. I’m also from the east, by the way. And no, I really don’t think ND goes harder on EA applicants. Check out the EA class of 2013 class and you’ll see scores and resumes equal to or weaker than yours. Honestly, I’d be surprised if you didn’t get in.</p>

<p>Your opening words answer the question</p>

I really really love Notre Dame…”</p>

<p>The way I see it, as long as you have that, it doesn’t matter where you come from. If you love this place, you’ll fit right in</p>

<p>If you have to ask that question, I really don’t think you want Notre Dame badly enough. Obviously, if you really wanted to attend Notre Dame you would have done appropriate research and you would have seen that while Catholicism is part of the tradition, for a school traditionally Catholic they are ready to, and they do, embrace religious diversity. People really don’t care. I mean, unless you WANT them to care, and asking a question like that “Would I be left out because I’m Jewish?” it kind of seems that way.</p>

<p>While many are Catholic, no one is going to ostracize you for not being Catholic. Community and service are much more important, not how you pray. So stop setting yourself up to be “ousted” (as you say, but that is somewhat a misuse of the word) by asking silly questions that you would have known the answer to if you had throughly researched Notre Dame (for example, they have a Jewish club listed on their website, you could have contacted someone in that club if you asked the student association).</p>

<p>If you feel that uncertain about applying that you have to ask if your religion will be “accepted” there and want to know your “chances” well then maybe you are better off applying at a school that you know you will be a shoe-in at.</p>

<p>dude you’ll be fine; no one is going to bother you about being jewish.</p>

<p>We’re all Jewish 2.0</p>



<p>Every college in America is more accepting than the next of diversity. In US Universities it is the universal singular feature. What about BYU, which is 88% white Mormons? [Diverse[/url</a>]. Grambling, 88% African American? [url=<a href=“]Diverse[/url”>]Diverse[/url</a>]. 92% white University of Vermont? [url=<a href=“]Oh”>Campus Life | The University of Vermont]Oh</a> so diverse.](<a href=“]Diverse[/url”> Samford, Christian college, 90% white? [Diverse</a> (or at least working on it).](<a href=“]Diverse”></p>

<p>Maybe you should call ND Adcom, and ask if ND is accepting of diversity. I don’t think it too likely that they’ll say, “Well, uh, maybe…sorta…um…not really”. </p>

<p>[url=<a href=“College Navigator - Compare Institutions”>College Navigator - Compare Institutions]Source[/url</a>]</p>

<p>well coming from a kid with the last name cohen, let me tell you that you’ll fit in fine. my brother attends notre dame and i’m awaiting a decision (although accepted EA to Boston College). I’m not worried about going to either (both not very diverse). Neither should you. If you meet ignorant bigots, stay away from them. You’re going to find them anywhere.</p>

<p>I agree with what cohen said. And more to the point, everyone has their own lives and their own problems to worry about so no one is really going to take the time worrying about who’s Catholic and who isn’t. </p>

<p>The best thing to do I would think is if you do get accepted to go and spend some time overnight there.
If you are still worried, contact someone listed on ND’s list at their campus ministry website. [Jewish</a> Student Resources // Campus Ministry // University of Notre Dame](<a href=“]Jewish”></p>