How'd you find out about CC?

<p>So, out of curiosity, how'd you guys and gals come across College Confidential?<br>
Personally, I don't specifically remember how I stumbled on the site, I think I googled something like, "I got rejected from so-and-so-school" in the hopes of finding out what those student's particular stats were and why they were rejected...CC is among the top search results, so I'm not too surprised that it's such an active discussion forum</p>

<p>I notice there are a lot of internationals on here, as well.
Anyway, share your introductions here.</p>

<p>A while ago, when I was searching for stuff on various universities, I kept seeing CC on the top of the list of Google’s search results. One day my curiosity took the best of me and I decided to check out CC.</p>

<p>I typed in ‘College Forum’ in google.</p>

<p>Google! I guess its popular. Lol!</p>