<p>Hey, I'm a high school senior that's trying to finalize my list of schools I wanna attend. I've already applied to UVA, VCU, VTech, JMU, and W&M. I'm looking to major in Biology and maybe later go on to medical graduate school. I'm aiming to get into UVA but I've got doubts about whether I'll make it. I've decided that if I'm rejected I'll attend either Vtech or JMU. I've visited Vtech but haven't gotten the chance to visit JMU. From what I've heard, VTech has one of the worst biology undergraduate programs (like 9th in the state) but JMU is ranked like the 4th in the state? (I heard they just acquired a new hospital). If anyone could tell me about the biology program at JMU and how it stacks up against Tech's that would be great! Thanks.</p>
<p>Hey AznSpike42,
I am a bio major with pre-med concentration here at JMU and I absolutely love it. I would definitely recommend over any of the other programs here in virginia. JMU is very concerned with letting undergrads do research with professors, something that you couldn’t get at schools with large graduate and medical schools (like UVa). I’m a freshman and I’ve already had multiple professors approach me about research.
JMU is also planning on adding either a neuroscience major or concentration (I think it will probably be a concentration with the biology major), so if you’re interested in that, it’s something to look into.<br>
The biology department is currently located in Burruss, which is on the quad, but they are going to be building a new biology building on the ISAT (Integrated Science and Technology) side of campus, so it will be near the ISAT, Heath and Human Services, and Physics/Chemistry Building (all of theses building are fairly new and are AMAZING to be in).
JMU was also selected with 11 other schools to participate in a research project with Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Basically, 20 freshmen each year (for the next 5 or so years) will be chosen to take a viral genomics class. In this class, each student isolates a bacteriophage (a virus that infect bacteria), isolates its DNA, and the presents their findings to the class. The class then choses one phage to send off for DNA sequencing. All the phages discovered will be logged into the phage database (essentially, each student discovers their own phage and gets to name it). It is my favorite class this semester where we are doing all lab work.<br>
The biology department is currently also home to Stanford Research Institute, while the main SRI building is being built here in Harrisonburg. SRI is also working with JMU to give internships to students and all the equipment that they brought into the biology building will be left there for student use (payment to JMU for letting SRI use the building).
There are are also many scholarships for bio and STEM majors. Definitely look into the Second Century Scholars Scholarship, it pays for 3/4 tuition for all four years, and the Chappelear Scholarship for the bio department (I received both, so can answer any questions about applying to those).<br>
JMU also has acquired Rockingham Memorial Hospital, but I’m pretty sure it is not going to stay a hospital (there is another one being built).
I don’t really know anything about the rankings, but I do know VT has a weak biology program, mainly because their engineering program is so strong and their focus is on engineering. The main reason why I chose JMU over Tech is because JMU’s undergraduate research is very strong-- they are ALWAYS having undergraduates published.<br>
I think that’s all for right now… if you have any more questions about JMU biology/pre-med or JMU in general feel free to PM me
and sorry for such a long-winded post!!</p>
<p>I would also encourage you to look further into GMU, for its partnership with INOVA,one of the country’s best hospitals, and VCU for being known as a strong, medical college.</p>