Virginia Tech or JMU for Biology major? pre-dent, pre pharm?

<p>I'm looking to major in biology and add a concentration of Pre-Dental or Pre-Pharmacy, and can't decide on which school, James Madison University or Virginia Tech has a better biology program. Also, does it matter how prestigious of an undergraduate school you attend for admittance into graduate schools? Please help! thanks :)</p>

<p>The sciences at VT are top-notch. Also, I didn’t know if you were aware of the new medical school that is coming to VT (they just received preliminary accreditation and started recruiting the charter class). Here is the link:</p>

<p>[News</a> Story | Virginia Tech News | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]News”> </p>

<p>I think both schools are great, but maybe VT has the edge with more UG research and now this new med school tie. Good luck to you!</p>