Hows the Weather in Providence

<p>I’m from California and am afraid of the weather in the east cast. Hows the weather in providence? How cold does it get? Will I have problems adjusting?</p>

<p>[Let</a> me google that for you](<a href=“]Let”></p>

<p>sorry, couldn’t help myself.</p>

<p>it’s chilly.</p>

<p>I am also from CA. RI gets nasty gross weather. But it’s not as bad as, say, Chicago or Minnesota.</p>

<p>It snows… and blizzards are cold. Expect below freezing a lot. And wetness. And miserable summers. But the sunsets are apparently beautiful from campus, and there’s trees! And no brush fires! And snowmen! And poofy jackets!</p>

<p>I’m from around here…right now it’s freezing. Today I believe the high temperature was 20 degrees? It also snowed a bit yesterday, and we’re looking ar more snow soon.</p>

<p>Basically, Dec-March are freezing usually with a lot of snow.
May-September is beautiful. And the months in-between are just there.</p>

<p>I’m from RI the weather is kinda nasty. Summer is fabulous, Fall is GORGEOUS when all the trees turn orange and red, but winter isn’t all that great. It snows but then oftentimes will rain soon after creating mud…but the actual actual Brown campus is amazing all year round.</p>

<p>Yep. The East Coast is COLD. This morning my hair was a bit frozen (I’d taken a shower) when I was driving to school. Like, hard and icy. Mmm, yeah.</p>

<p>So it gets pretty cold, but I think you’d adjust pretty well if you’re that kind of person. I mean it’ll be a change for sure, but after a while you get used to it. Just bring lots of sweaters. And hand cream. And Chapstick.</p>

<p>I personally LOVE the summer days though. But I guess if you’re coming from the East Coast you wouldn’t exactly be here for that :/</p>

<p>better than dartmouth weather at least :P</p>

<p>It gets cold outside but its not windy most of the time. It was just yesterday but it doesn’t happen too much. I’m from the windiest city in the country in Kansas and winter there is much less fun and much worse than Providence. There are lots of buildings and trees to break wind here. I just got some synthetic baselayers because its that time of the year but I’d rather deal with a RI winter than a Kansas one. The snow here falls straight down opposed to the 45 degree angle drifting snow we get in Kansas. </p>

<p>As far as sunsets from campus being nice, I have to wholeheartedly disagree. We have a horrible position on the wrong side of the hill obstructed by buildings and trees and have no view of the sunset. You can walk to Prospect Terrace Park and get a nice view there but the sunsets in KS beat anything you can get out here unless you find a beach facing West (I found on in CT that’s nice).</p>

<p>And the summer here…I hate. I’m used to 90’s and dry. Here it’s in the 80’s or 90’s and humid. Much worse. I’d rather be in Arizona with 110 degree heat. Luckily my dorm has A/C. Yes there is a dorm that gets A/C. ResLife will deny this. They lie.</p>

<p>Ah, I’ve been lied to about the sunsets then…
I blame my interviewer. Haha.</p>

<p>haha yeah! my interviewer said that it didnt snow that much :/</p>

<p>Aww, is there any good lotion-like lip moisturizer? I hate anything with that petroleum jelly feel. Including Chapstick. </p>

<p>And even in dead of winter, come two years from now you’ll see me barreling down the street on my bike. Double, triple layer and merino wool socks FTW!</p>

<p>It snows here plenty.</p>

<p>I’ve only been here for one winter and last year it wasn’t bad as far as snow goes. The worst part is that Providence doesn’t clear the sidewalks.</p>

<p>my daughter is from CA, has lived in Northern and Southern cities, and has never complained about, or hardly mentioned the weather in Providence. But I think the last 3 years were relatively mild. Certainly there are much colder places. I’ve only been in Spring and summer and it was wonderful.</p>

<p>And we did walk over to Prospect Terrace park to see the sunset once.</p>

<p>Sounds nice.</p>

<p>at least it’s a change, from all the brush fires erupting all around me. haha.
(I’m from SoCal, obviously…)</p>

<p>providence gets the best of all seasons and the campus is set up to take advantage</p>

<p>in the fall, all of the trees turn beautiful colors, in the spring every plant on campus seems to bloom</p>

<p>the winters bring awesome snow storms, and summers in the ocean state are amazing</p>

<p>But the weather isn’t as bad as inland NE. Many large snow drops get missed with the coastal areas switching over to rain in large storms. But that is also a bad thing. It’s one thing to be dealing with 12 inches of the fluffy stuff and another to deal with 5 inches of slush, especially if the temps drop over night. Temps overall don’t bother me much in the winter.</p>

<p>I can’t believe people are saying it snows a lot… It snows like three times a winter here. It does get very cold, though; the winters are crap. Autumn and spring are nice; summer is fine but it gets a bit hot.</p>

<p>Okay, according to this it’s 35.5" of snow per annum: [Snowfall</a> - Average Total In Inches](<a href=“]Snowfall”> But I’d bet a lot of that is slushy sleet stuff.</p>

<p>The day of my interview was unusually snowstormy, and before I left, my interviewer (a Providence native) gave me a big ol’ grin and said, “One last thing… this weather? Get used to it.”</p>

<p>So… there you are!</p>

<p>It used to snow a lot more. Google the Blizzard of 1978 – Brown and the whole state of RI shut down for a week, there were thousands of cars stranded on I-95 because the state had something like 1 snowplow. </p>

<p>Compared to northern New Hampshire, it hardly snows at all in Providence. Compared to southern California, it snows a lot. A lot of the snow is the slushy kind. There have been winters when it’s hardly snowed, and others when it’s snowed a lot. Depends on the jet stream. </p>

<p>Millions of people manage to live, survive and even thrive in cold weather. I think anyone can manage to live through four New England winters – you just wear enough clothing.</p>