<p>1.) AP Calc AB
2.) AP US
3.) AP Eng Lang
4.) AP Econ (micro + macro)
5.) Forensics
6.) AP Chem</p>
<p>Econ is an elective, and my other options were ap stats and psych, as well as some others. I'm leaning towards econ because (1) I already have background in it, (2) it interests me and just plain makes sense, and (3) I'm planning on doing Academic Decathlon next year, of which econ makes up 10%</p>
<p>AP Lit
AP Gov/Econ
AP Bio
spainsh 8
German 5
AP Chem
it seems hard but the chem teacher is nice and she is easy, the calc class has the best teacher to have, and the only hard class is econ because the teacher is horrible</p>
<p>You guys are so lucky you can take so many APs- at my Catholic school, you can usually only take 2 junior year. . . and we are required to take certain classes and stuff. . .like gym and religion. . .</p>
<p>Here's me-
Spanish 4
AP Chem
AP English language
Regents Physics
Regents American history
Morality(Religion 11)
No study halls!</p>
<p>Hoping to self study
AP Music theory
AP U.S. History
and maybe one more. . .</p>
<p>Yup, at our Christian school we're required to take a Bible class too every semester and also have that 2-AP cap. I just self-studied 4 AP courses on my own this (Junior) year and ended up taking 6 exams to compensate.</p>
<p>I'd strongly encourage all of you rising Juniors to consider taking the BC exam at the conclusion of your AB course. Just start to self-study BC topics after you finish the integration chapter. There isn't really that much additional topics to BC and the only thing you would probably need to learn is sequence/series. I took the AP Calculus course at my school in sophomore year and immensely regretted my decision of taking the AB exam at the end of sophomore year. This year I finished Calculus by taking BC through self-studying, but I think it'd be much more effective if I had taken BC at the end of the Calc course. (Don't sweat the exam, if you know the AB material VERY well, you're guranteed a 4 already on the BC exam).</p>
<p>Just some pointers; as I see many of you are taking Calculus in your Junior year. Good luck!</p>
<p>My school just doesn't offer the AP classes. You need at least 17 people to sign up and we rarely get those. I'm gonna be a senior next year but this year, I had:</p>
<p>AP Lang
AP Comp Sci
Physics H
Algebra II H
Adv. Business Studies
US History (couldn't fit honors here. I'd rather take Physics H)
French III H</p>
<p>Seriously, my school is REALLY sad. Next year, they're not offering Economics H (not even AP), AP Chem or AP Physics (I signed up for both). The only AP classes I'm taking next year are: AP Lit and AP Gov't. But I'm thinking of doing an independent study on Psych (everyone says it's ubereasy) and/or Economics.</p>
<p>I'm currently a sophomore, but here's my schedule for next year:
01. A.P. Biology.
02. A.P. Latin.
03. A.P. U.S. History.
04. History of Music.
05. Honors English III.
06. Honors Pre-calculus.
07. Community service requirement.</p>
<p>I'll also be playing field hockey and doing equestrian team (we're required to play two out of the three seasons), so I'm going to be very busy!</p>
<p>mediocreme your school is like my school when it comes to AP physics C and Ap comsci no one wants to take those classes. also not many people take ap gov/ econ, but enough do so they have us gov and micro but i really want to take comp gov and macro econ. but oh well at is has a good amount of ap classes</p>
<p>1- AP English Lit
2- AP Spanish Lit
3- AP US Government/Comp Gov
4- AP Microeconomics (might/might not do macro)
5/6- AP Chem (dbl pd)
7- Multivariate Calculus/ Differential Equations
8- Kickboxing (1 term)
9- Digital Electronics (bs class) (1 term)
10- Prejudice and Persecution (elective) (1 term)</p>
<p>mitan: actually, a lot of kids took AP Comp Sci in my school but mainly because we're a magnet school about computers. We have a whole bunch of classes that others schools don't offer and they kick major a** sometimes but aren't considered honors by the school district.</p>
<p>Anyway, does anyone have suggestions on textbooks for psych and/or econ? I'm not really sure how to go about the independent study thing. I'm pretty sure I need a textbook but I'm not sure which one to get out of the millions out there.</p>
<p>Wow. You guys have some pretty impressive schedules! I have a question about your AP classes. We homeschool our son (just finishing his sophomore year), and we are looking into online AP courses for him for next year. The online courses say to allow 10-15 hours per week for each course. Some of you guys are taking 4-6 AP courses. Are you putting in that kind of time on each course?!</p>
<p>medocreme: for the AP classes you ask for
psych just use a review book there is no need for a textbook
i think the same is true for econ. i was just talking about the fact that your school does not have ap chem, h econ, and ap physics. and our school there is no ap comp sci and ap physics c just because people "think" it is hard</p>
<p>To timely: It will depend on the subject and son's skills/ study habits. If, for instance, he will take BC Calculus and he's good at math, he won't have to put in 10-15 hrs, maybe 5 or even less depending how good he as at understanding the concepts. If it is something he is terrible at, let's say as an example US History, then he should probably take the recommended 10-15 hrs per week. However, if he is a good crammer, that's unnecessary, and he doesn't have to spend so much time per week, and can cram for the ap come May. Also, it's impossible for a person to have 4-6 APs and show taht much dedication to the subject (10-15 hrs/wk), so you learn to cut corners, and you figure out which topics you don't need to take time on and which ones you do.</p>
<p>To budgiekid: Oh I eat lunch. I go out with friends everyday. It's not that impossible to tackle a lot of APs and have a life if you know how to time manage and cut corners.</p>